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Centre fOR Graduate Studies


About Us
Welcome to Centre for Graduate Studies (CGS) at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). Our mission is to guide and support students throughout their university experience from admission to graduation. If you are a student, our goal is simple: to promote your success.
Study Mode
There are two types of study mode for masters: by research or by coursework. Meanwhile, PhD can only be done by research.
Postgraduate Student Council (PGSC)
Postgraduate Students Council (PGSC) provides a platform for students, Centre for Graduate Studies (CGS) and the administration of UTP to interact.
News and Events
A list of news/events at CGS can be found here.  What has happened and what event will be coming up next!
There are 12 online forms available at CGS to be utilised by students for all kinds of enquiries and request for services.
Contact Us
Who and How to contact CGS? Here’s a list of staff contact details in CGS to reach them personally.