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​About competition

Young CEO X-Factor Challenge is a competition open to university students in Malaysia. This team-based competition requires participants to solve mini business cases in order to pass the qualifying round and advance to the final round. The competition aims to produce future business leaders with strong business analytics skills who can provide​ sustainable business solutions. Qualifying teams will be mentored by selected industry professionals. Participants will be judged on their ability to provide creative and sustainable solutions that reflect their business analytics skills, as well as their presentation skills and X-Factor content. Solutions must include the three-bottom-line objectives of economy, society, and the environment.


  • To promote creative and strong mindsets and attitudes among young generations to become future leaders.
  • To encourage participants to use conflict resolution techniques and creativity in making strategic business decisions.
  • To promote sustainable business solutions that prioritize achieving the triple-bottom-line objectives of the economy, society, and the environment.
  • To expose participants to decision-making and problem-solving in business through data analytics.​

Date and Venue

23 & 24 August 2023 

9am – 5pm



Young CEO X-FACTOR ​​​​​Challenge

About ESTECH​​

​​​​​​​​​Target Participant

Pre-university and undergraduate students


 RM300 per team (a team consists of not more than 5 people)


