Milestones & Activities
Photos & Evidence
Short Description
13 March 2019
Programme registration

On March 13, 2019, I embarked on my Ph.D. journey by officially registering for the program, signifying the beginning of my academic exploration in the field of coastal research. This significant milestone represented my unwavering dedication to furthering my education and delving into the intricacies of coastal ecosystems.
26 Feb 2020
Research Proposal Defence
I successfully defended my Civil Engineering research proposal, a pivotal step that demonstrates my dedication and academic advancement in the field of coastal research.
Confirmation of Co-Supervisor
I have secured co-supervisor confirmation, a crucial milestone that affirms the support and guidance I will receive in my research on the hydrodynamic characteristics of semi-circular breakwaters.
2020 - 2023
MARE Summer School
I have actively retained my membership in the Marine Coastal and Delta Sustainability for Southeast Asia (MARE) program, which is part of the Erasmus+ Project. My involvement has included active participation in workshops and contributing to collaborative research initiatives.
25-26 AUG 2021
Participation in "Assessment of Coastal Environments" course
This experience has deepened my understanding of coastal environments, providing me with essential insights that are vital for the effective protection and management of coastal areas.
March 16-17, 2022
Best Paper Award at CSDY 2022 conference
I was honored to receive the Best Paper Award for my paper titled "Pollution of Water from Urban, Agricultural, and Industrial Effluent: A Review" at the Conference of Science and Development in Yemen (CAST 2022).
August 15-28, 2022
COME: Coastal and Marine Sustainability Enacted Summer School 2022
I have successfully completed the COME: Coastal and Marine Sustainability Enacted Summer School 2022 at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS & Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This experience has significantly expanded my knowledge in coastal and marine sustainability, a critical area for the preservation of coastal ecosystems and habitats.
October 2022
ICWR Conference Presentation
I had the privilege of collaboratively presenting "Numerical Simulations of Wave Diffraction Around a Low-Crested Semicircular Breakwater" at ICWR 2022, making a meaningful contribution to the progress of coastal defense research.
December 13-14, 2022
Presenter at the 9th ICETIA 2022 conference
I was honored to be recognized as a presenter at the 9th ICETIA conference, where I shared valuable insights and research findings, contributing to the enriching academic discourse within the field of engineering.
7th June 2023
Participation in the Pitching Competition
I actively participated in a pitching competition, where I showcased innovation and expertise, two crucial qualities essential for shaping sustainable solutions to address coastal and marine challenges.
19th May 2023
New Patent Application in Malaysia No. PI2023002979

I have submitted a new patent application in Malaysia (No. PI2023002979) under the title "A CAISSON BREAKWATER." This application underscores my commitment to innovation and dedication to advancing coastal protection measures in Malaysia.