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Department Chair's Foreword

Welcome to the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, UTP! 

We are very keen to provide a programme that offers extensive knowledge in Electrical and Electronics in Oil and Gas Industry both in research and industrial application to aspire future engineers, leaders and researchers.

We are passionately working on research areas for local and international problems that could enhance the current technology in Oil and Gas industry. The areas include intelligent imaging, communication, automation for electromechanical systems, computer systems, embedded systems, automative industry, sensor technology, energy utilisation , electronic compatibility, system level integration, electronic system design, power electronics, power system, microelectronics and communication systems.

We also offer a programme in Computer Engineering that is a discipline that draws heavily the topics from electronic engineering and computer science. Computer engineers are involved in design, building, testing and development of high technology devices ranging from the most powerful supercomputers to the smallest, most energy efficient microprocessors and microcontrollers used in systems with applications in areas such as social media search engines, data farms, cloud computing systems, virtual reality systems, massively parallel online systems which are used in gaming systems and large data processing systems. 


Associate Professor ​​Dr Mohamad Naufal b Mohamad Saad