| Dr Khairul Arifin Bin Mohd Noh (current Chair), joined the Geoscience Department, UTP in December 2010. He teaches several courses in geophysics such as Non-Seismic Method, Seismic Methods, Rock Physics & Fundamental of Geophysics. His research interest and consultancy work includes exploration geophysics, surface and borehole geophysics, and rock physics. Dr Khairul completed his BSc in Applied Physics (Geophysics) in 2005 at the Universiti Sains Malaysia, and later obtained a Master Physics (Geophysics) in 2007 and PhD in Physics (Geophysics) in 2019 from the same university. His MSc research topic was "Gravity And Magnetic Data Analysis To Detect The Basement Rock Structure at Sungai Pahang Delta Area". He has published several papers especially on geophysical investigation for Bukit Bunuh impact crater.

| Associate Professor Dr Mohamed M Abdo Aly Elsaadany joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in September 2018. He obtained his PhD, Geology in Structural Geology, MSc, Geology in Biostratigraphy, and BSc, Geology, all from Ain Shams University. His area of expertise involves Seismic Interpretation “structure, mapping, attribute,…etc", structural descriptive analysis and reservoir characterization.

| Associate Professor Ts Dr. Hassan Soleimani has obtained a PhD in Physics (wave propagation) from University Putra Malaysia in year 2010 and join University Technology PETRONAS in 2011.He has published more than 140 research articles in peer-reviewed international journals with a high impact factor apart from conference proceedings and has authored over 10 book chapters as well as supervised over 20 postgraduate students. He was a reviewer/ referee for more than 100 research articles published by various international high-impact factor journals.He has been the leader and principal investigator of over 10 research projects that received government and industrial funding.

| Noor Azahar Ibrahim is seconded from PETRONAS Carigali to Geosciences Department, UTP as the Principal Lecturer / Industry Expert in May 2019 . He is formerly the Head of Exploration Malaysia responsible for executing exploration activities in Malaysia . An Exploration Petroleum Geologist by profession , Noor Azahar has 29 years of experience heading Integrated E&P business covering Exploration , PSC Regulatory , Business Development and Operations in Malaysia and International Venture for PETRONAS . Noor Azahar has work in several International exploration project worldwide notably in Syria ,Sudan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan . He is passionate above exploration subject especially in world wide Regional Geology , Petroleum System Basin Analysis and Oil and Gas Prospect Maturation.He is also passionate in advocating “value driven" exploration projects subjects covering Exploration Entrepreneurship, Strategic Thinking covering all aspect of exploration project worldwide from exploration block evaluation / asset acquisition, crafting exploration programs , data acquisition, evaluation flow, exploration/appraisal drillings proposals all the way to monetization of HC discovery. He is instrumental in the realizing & executing the 1st Malaysia Ultra Deep Water Multiclient Seismic Data Survey in Offshore Sabah which is consider one of the world largest 3D survey over 60'000 sq Km area which lead to the 1st Malaysia Ultra Deep Water Oil&Gas discovery in Tepat-1 well in offshore Sabah in 2018. Noor Azahar Ibrahim graduated from University Malaya in 1987 with 2nd Class Hons in Applied Geology .

| Dr Mohd Suhaili Ismail joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in September 2013. He teaches Palaeontology, Stratigraphy, Earth Processes, Mineralogy and Petrography, and Regional Geology. His research interest includes Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Petroleum system.
Mohd Suhaili completed his BSc (App. Geology) at the University Malaya in 1984. He joined the Geological Survey Malaysia (now Mineral and Geoscience Department Malaysia) as a geologist. He was involved in paleontological work and later proceed to mineral exploration projects. In 2000, he obtained a Master in Natural Resources Economics from Universiti Putra Malaysia. In 2005 he was admitted to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Dundee, Scotland in Mineral Resources Management. His research topic was "Input-output analysis of the Malaysian non-fuel minerals sector and its potential for sustainable development."

| Associate Professor Dr Maman Hermana joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in June 2017. He has teaching and research experience in university more than 17 years. He teaches, Rockphysics and Reservoir Characterization and Modeling. His research interest includes hydrocarbon prediction, Seismic inversion, and Reservoir characterization and geothermal.
Dr Maman Hermana completed his BSc. in Geophysics under Physics Department in 1998 at the University of Indonesia. He later obtained a Master Engineering in Applied Geophysics from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2002. He got his Ph.D. in 2015 from the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in Geosciences Department. His PhD research topic was "Discriminating Lithology and Porefill in Hydrocarbon Prediction From Seismic using Rockphysics and absorption".

| Dr Maqsood Ahmad did PhD from Australian School of Petroleum, at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. After completing a postgraduate degree in geology at The University of Punjab (Lahore, Pakistan), he was appointed as a research assistant in projects funded by the Pakistan Science Foundation in the Institute of Geology University of the Punjab (Lahore, Pakistan). Later, he did Master of Engineering Science in Petroleum Engineering from UNSW (Sydney), Australia. His research interests include source rock evaluation for hydrocarbon generation potential, and characterization of source rocks as potential unconventional natural gas reservoirs using conventional and unconventional techniques. He joined Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, and been teaching both postgraduate and undergraduate courses until August 2021 in department of Petroleum Engineering before joining Geosciences department in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. He has been very active in his academic activities and has enhanced understanding and skills in applications of micro and nano CT-scanning, FIB/SEM, QEMSCAN, hydraulic fracturing and geomechanical properties of source formations and conventional reservoir rocks, high pressure gravimetric analyzer for adsorption and desorption techniques for resource evaluation in oil and gas reservoirs. Member for: SPE, SPWAL, EAGE and AAPG. |

| Dr Haylay Tsegab had worked as an exploration and mining geologist in the mineral industry from 2004 -2008. He joined Mekelle University , Ethiopia, as a lecturer from 2009 -2010 before he pursued his PhD degree at UTP from 2010 -2016. Haylay Tsegab joined Geosciences Department, UTP as a lecturer in February 2016 and he teaches carbonate sedimentology and petrography. His research interest includes sedimentology, paleontology, geochemistry, paleothermal evolution of basins and their applications in the exploration of hydrocarbons.
Dr Haylay received his BSc in Geology and Geophysics from Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia in 2004, and his MSc in Petroleum Geosciences from UTP/IFP in 2009. Currently, he is finalizing his PhD thesis on “ The stratigraphy, paleontology, geochemistry, paleogeography and hydrocarbon potential of the upper Paleozoic Kinta Limestone, Peninsular Malaysia", in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS.

| Associate Professor Ts Dr Numair A. Siddiqui joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in February 2016. Dr. Numair brought over 5 years of teaching, research and industrial experience in Siliciclastic rocks, Sequence Stratigraphy, SE Asia field sedimentology, Reservoir characteristics, Outcrop modeling, Well logging and sedimentology to UTP with his appointment. He is currently teaching reservoir characterization and field sedimentology. Dr. Numair completed his PhD (Geoscience) from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. He has completed his M.Sc. In Petroleum Geoscience from Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei in 2010 with a scholarship from the Brunei Govt. (MoEB) and his B.S. in Petroleum and Gas Engineering form BUITEMS, Quetta, Pakistan. Her MSc research topic was on reservoir characteristics and depositional environment of shallow-marine deposits in Borneo. His main area of interest is siliciclastic shallow-marine deposits in Borneo region and reservoir characterization and outcrop modeling with its analogue study.

| Ts Dr Abdul Halim Abdul Latiff joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in November 2014. He teaches Seismic Methods, Seismic Data Processing and Seismic Wave and Imaging. His research interest includes exploration geophysics (acquisition, processing, imaging), signal & image processing and earthquake seismology. Dr Abdul Halim completed his M.Eng. in Electrical & Electronic Engineering in 2008 at the Imperial College London. After 3 years in the oil & gas industry, he later obtained a MSc in Petroleum Geoscience from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in 2014. His MSc research topic was "Development of Hybrid Illumination and Optimised Survey Design Techniques for Shallow Gas Cloud Fields". He obtained his PhD research degree on the "Structural Imaging of Peninsular Malaysia Using Earthquake and Ambient Noise Data" from USM in 2019.

| Dr Eahsanul Haque joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in March 2022. Dr. Eahsan's experience, especially in reservoir characterisation, seismic sequence stratigraphy, 3D subsurface geomodeling, basin geodynamics and geoscience project management is extremely critical to enrich and develop geoscientific key areas for the Faculty of Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering, UTP. He is currently teaching reservoir characterization and geomodeling and well logging and formation evaluation at UTP. Dr. Eahsan successfully completed his PhD (Petroleum Geoscience) from Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Brunei in 2018, M.Sc. in Petroleum Geoscience from the same university in 2011 with the Govt. of Brunei Graduate Scholarship (MoE) and B.Sc (Honours) in Geology from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His PhD research was a ground-breaking work that developed a comprehensive reservoir modelling and volumetrics and presented improved volumetrics for the Ministry of Petroleum & Minerals, New Zealand, formally acknowledged and appreciated by the New Zealand Energy Ministry. He published numerous high-impact articles in Q1/Q2 peer-reviewed journals. His MSc research topic was Sequence Stratigraphy of Sylhet Trough, Bengal Basin. He proposed a new stratigraphic nomenclature for the gas-rich Sylhet Trough, Bengal Basin and the work was commended by UBD and the Energy Ministry of Bangladesh and geoscience community of Bangladesh and the neighbouring nation(s).

| Ts. Dr Siti Nur Fathiyah Jamaludin joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in October 2014. She teaches Seismic Interpretation and Volume Visualization and Interpretation and co-ordinates the Final Year Project. Her research interest are related with carbonate response with tectonic and sea level, hydrocarbon leakages (offshore and onshore) and section balancing and restoration. Ts Dr Siti Nur Fathiyah completed her BSc (App. Geology) at the Curtin University of Technology in Perth. She later worked as Processing Geophysicist for three years with CGG before obtained a Master Degree in Petroleum Geoscience from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in 2014. She completed her PhD in 2021 at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. She conducted research on " The Role of Faulting on the Growth of Miocene Carbonate Platforms in Central Luconia Province, Sarawak" during her master degree.

| Dr Nor Syazwani Bt Zainal Abidin joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in December 2014. She teaches several courses in geosciences such as Carbonate Sedimentology & Petrography, Paleontology, Petroleum Geochemistry & Basin Modelling. Her research interest includes organic geochemistry, source rock evaluation and characteristic, diagenesis of carbonates and clastic sedimentology & stratigraphy. Dr Syazwani completed her BSc in Geology (Petroleum) in 2009 at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and later obtained a Master in Petroleum Geosciences from the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in 2013. Her MSc research topic was "The impact of relative sea-level fluctuation on diagenesis of Pleistocene-Holocene carbonates, in the Celebes Sea, East of Sabah, Malaysia". She completed her PhD in Universiti Malaya with a research related to the basin studies particularly, involving the integration of the source rock evaluation and characterization, and basin modelling in 2022.

| Ts Gs Muhammad Noor Amin Zakariah, joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in May 2014, Amin teaches several courses in geophysics such as Seismic Data Processing, Non-Seismic Method and Rock Physics. His research interest includes environmental & engineering geophysics and passionate in correlating between Geology & Geophysics. Amin completed his B.Sc. (Sciences in Geology) at the University Malaysia Sabah in 2012, and later obtained a Master in Geophysics from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) in 2014. His M.Sc. research topic was "Seismic Interpretation and modelling at Ketam Field, Sabah Basin, Offshore Sabah". Amin is pursuing his Ph.D. study focusing on correlation between integrated geophysical methods and geology.

| Nur Huda Mohd Jamin joined the Geosciences Department, UTP in May 2014. Nur Huda teaches Seismic Methods, Seismic Interpretation, Volume Interpretation and Visualizations. She is also a coordinator for E&P Integrated Opportunity Evaluation course. Her research interest includes Seismic interpretation, Deepwater clastic sedimentology, Regional geology and Foreland basin system. Nur Huda completed her BSc (Geology) at the University Kebangsaan Malaysia. After three year with Gue & Partners, a geotechnical company she later obtained a MSc (Geology) from University Malaya in 2008. She has experienced working with seismic data of Gabon Basin, West Africa, Malaysian fields of Bundi & Ketam seismic data, and Taranaki Basin, New Zealand seismic data. Her current research is Sedimentology and stratigraphy of deepwater deposits of Semanggol and Semantan formations.