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M​aster of Business Administration in Energy Managemen​​t​

(R-DL/0414/7/0076) (09/29) (MQA/SWA 12377)​


Rising energy demand is at odds with the threat of fast depleting energy resources—demanding energy ​providers to engage a strategic approach to energy management. Amid intensifying scrutiny over costs, carbon output and sustainability, the oil, gas and energy industry requires a resourceful talent pool of energy management professionals to navigate global challenges in support of UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

In response to the global forces at work, Master of Business Administration in Energy Management (MBA-EM) prep​ares students to pivot to new technologies and drive towards a model that supports future-looking strategies. As such, the programme exposes students to a wide array of real industry challenges and case studies. In addition to lectures, the programme offers multi-sided learning approaches such as seminars and consultancy based projects. Ultimately, by leveraging the latest energy management knowledge and trends, students are poised to play a critical role in the design of the industry's carbon-neutral future.

The MBA-EM ODL programme runs for 5 trimesters, 50 credit hours, 20 months with a comprehensive curriculum design. The programme delivered via e-learning platform, UTP ULearnX, comprises Busin​ess Core modules, Energy Management modules and a Management Consultancy Project.

​Programme Objective
  • To produce leaders who are competent in driving and sustaining global energy  business
​Programme Outcomes
Upon graduation the candidates shall be able to:
  1. Critically review theories and concept of business.
  2. Apply theories and concepts in the decision makin process in the business environment
  3. Conduct research with minimal supervision and adhere to legal, ethical and profesional practices.
  4. Demonstrate managerial and leadership qualities through communicating and working effectively.
  5. Generate solutions to the problems using scientific methods and tools
  6. Demonstrate the skills and principles of lifelong learning in their academic and career development.                             
​Course Duration and Offering

In order to graduate with MBA in Energy Management degree, students are required to:                           
  • Obtain a CGPA of 3.00 or better
  • Pass all modules
  • Satisfy all requirement as approved by Senate

Minimum Duration
Maximum Duration
20 months
36 months

Business Core Modules
Energy Management Modules

​Fee Structure

​Programme Curriculum Structure

Each student is required to complete sixteen (16) modules consist of business core modules, five (5) energy management and consultancy project module. The programme curriculum structure is shown as below:

Credit Hours
OAG 5013 - Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
OAG​5023 - Operations Management
OAG 5113 - Accounting for Decision Making
OAG 5123 - Strategic Marketing
OAG 5133 - Energy Economics
OAG 5213 - Corporate Finance
OAG 5223 - Corporate Ethics, Social Responsibility & Governance
OAG 5313 - Competitive Strategy Management
OAG 5323 - Project Management
OAG 5402 - Business Research Methodology
OAG 5033 - Energy Value Chain
OAG 5043 - Energy Management
OAG 5143 - Energy Technology & Innovation
OAG 5233 - Low Carbon Economy and Sustainability
OAG 5243 - Energy Regulations and Policies
OAG 5416 - Management Consultancy Project

Programme Module Synopsis

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5013
​​Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management
3 credits

The dynamicity of changes in the current world business environment is affecting all aspects of peoples’ behaviours in organisations. The increasing globalisation of business and diversity of the workforce, the proliferation of ethical controversies and scandals in organisations, have enforce reasons for managers today to master the many different aspects of organisational behaviour. Thus, it is imperative for managers to be fully equipped and capable of managing people to ensure they perform their jobs, play their roles as effective and ethical member of the organisation that will contribute to the success of the organisations.

Course Code
Credit Hour
​OAG 5023
​​Operations Management
​​3 credits

Overview on Operations Management, Forecasting, Designing of Goods and Services, Process Strategy and Capacity Planning, Decision Making Tools, Location Strategies, Layout Strategies, Maintenance and Reliability, Transportation and Assignment problems and Project.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5113
​​Accounting for Decision Making
​​3 credits

This course examines the generation and use of an organisation’s financial information for decision making and encompasses both financial accounting and management accounting topics. The course concentrates on accounting systems in general, construction and analysis of financial statements, costing, performance measurement, and accounting for decision making, planning and control.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5123
Reservoir Simulation
​​3 credits

​Marketing is the core of all business. To outperform the competition requires solid marketing knowledge and precision in marketing decision making. The organisation’s positioning and the positioning of its products and services depend on the formulation and implementation of aggressive marketing strategies.
The students will understand how to utilise the elements of the marketing mix (product strategy, pricing, advertising and promotion, and distribution) and enhance problem-solving and decision making abilities in these operational areas of marketing. Students will be given assignments and cases study so that it may develop the ability marketing principles into real situations and also developing effective strategic marketing plans.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5133
​​Energy Economics
3 credits

This course examines economic theories, empirical perspectives, and political economy of energy supply and demand. It discusses various economic aspects of local, national, and global markets for current, emerging and renewable energy sources. This course also examines public policies affecting energy markets including taxation, price regulation and deregulation, energy efficiency, and control of emissions.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5213
​​Corporate Finance
3 credits

This subject emphasises on theoretical and practical aspects of corporate finance in the formation of corporate financial policies. This subject is also an extension to Financial Management. Special topics including capital structure policy and optimum dividend, agency theory, models of capital asset pricing, the extension of capital budgeting, corporate financing, interactions of financial decisions and investments will also be elaborated.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5223
​​Corporate Ethics, Social Responsibility & Governance
​​3 credits

This subject focus on the concepts and principles of ethics, social responsibility and good governance practices. It provides the business framework that guides social responsibility and good governance practices to ensure business sustainability. It seeks to inspire young leaders to become responsible citizens, entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5313
​​Competitive Strategy Management
3 credits

​This subject integrates and applies knowledge gained in previous units for the purpose of evaluating complex business problems and formulating policies and strategies for their solutions. It seeks to develop the knowledge of key strategic management strategies.
A conceptual framework for the subject is developed covering both the domestic and global perspectives. Integration of existing knowledge in all areas of business is an important part of the strategic management process.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5323
​​Project Management
3 credits

This course is designed to equip students with the tools and techniques in project management in the energy industry.
This course will give students the opportunity to understand and apply the components in project management i.e. integration, scope, time, cost, quality, resource, risk, procurement and HSE. Students will also be able to apply relevant tools and techniques to manage energy projects in a cost effective manner.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5033
Energy Value Chain
3 credits

​The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the supply value chain and trading of energy resources. It also exposes students to the transportation and logistics aspects of the energy value chain. The basics of emissions trading from a market approach are also highlighted in the course.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5043
Energy Management
3 credits

Energy management involves the legal and commercial considerations in the energy industry. Students will be introduced to the nature and functions of energy companies and other organisations involved in the related financial, commercial and contractual activities of the energy industry.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5243
Energy Regulations and Policies
3 credits

The principal aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the main law and policy issues relating to the energy sector in the major energy producing regions and countries. Students will be able to learn the international regulations governing the contracts for the entire energy value chain.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5143
Energy Technology & Innovation
3 credits

Technology and innovation drive the energy industry like no other industry. Hence, it’s only apt that students get insights into the latest development in the energy technology and innovation. They will understand what drives energy technology and innovation and how they shape the subsequent research and practice. Finally, students will be able to explore emerging technologies and innovations.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5233
Low Carbon Economy and Sustainability
3 credits

Sustainability of energy sources is key in ensuring the survival of the energy industry and the environment. Hence, the dire need to promote a low carbon economy across the globe. In the course, students will understand the impact and implications of climate change to the energy industry and the global economy. Students will know what it takes to address the global climate change from the economic perspective.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5416
Management Consultancy Project
6 credits

All the skills and knowledge gained from the energy management courses need to be practiced and applied in a real-world business context. Student groups will be assigned to various energy organisations to identify business issues and undertake consultancy projects. The purpose of this course is to develop business consultancy skills and apply them to resolve issues relating to energy management in the respective energy organisations.

Course Code
Credit Hour
OAG 5402
Business Research Methodology
2 credits

​The course covers Fundamentals of Research Methodology.

Career Opportunities