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Master of Science in Asset Management and Maintenance

 ​(R3/0714/7/0004) (08/27) (A7736)

A master programme in Asset Management and Maintenance programme addresses concerns of aging assets and maintenance culture amongst plant personnel. The target group that needs to be equipped with new knowledge and competencies in Asset Management and Maintenance are engineers and managers from petrochemical plants, refineries, offshore platforms/pipelines, power sectors, public and private infrastructures, and manufacturing organisations.

The programme aims to produce leaders who are able to manage and maintain assets in the most economical, professional, creative, and reliable ways with the state-of-the-art technology, locally and globally.

Graduates with an MSc in Asset Management and Maintenance degree will enhance their employment and industrial career prospects in the management and maintenance of assets with the incorporation of the mechanical and civil engineering aspects.

Programme Objectives

  1. A​sset Management and Maintenance specialists with insights to articulate complex industry problems and solutions.
  2. Industry leaders with integrity towards sustainable development through continuous improvement and innovation for​ the betterment of society.

Programme Outcomes

​1. Demonstrate continuing advanced knowledge in Science in Asset Management and Maintenance and have the capabilities to further develop or use these in new situations or multi-disciplinary context.
2. Analyse and evaluate critically problems in Science in Asset Management and Maintenance particularly in situations with limited information and to provide solutions through application of appropriate tools and techniques.
3. Appraise available information and research evidence in Science in Asset Management and Maintenance and apply it in the engineering context.
4. Plan and perform research undertakings in Science in Asset Management and Maintenance professionally, ethically and responsibly.
5. Report technical findings in both written and oral forms.
6. Recognise the needs for continuing professional development in Science in Asset Management and Maintenance.​

Programme Highlights

  • The programme is comprehensive and holistic in optimising and managing assets
  • The programme is Accredited by IAM (Institute of Asset Management, UK) hence student will automatically obtain the IAM certification once they finish the programme without the need to sit for extra exam
  • Course lecturers have trainer recognition from IAM

Programme Details

Department:Department of Mechanical Engineering​ 

Intakes: January, May, and September

Mode of Deliverance: 

  • Fully online for ODL and physical lecture for conventional
  • Full Time/Full Time ODL
  • Min 1 year, Max 3 years

Entry Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Engineering Degree or any relevant field from a recognised university with a CGPA of 2.50 - 2.74 or its equivalent OR;
  • Bachelor’s Engineering Degree or any relevant field from a recognised university with a CGPA of 2.00 - 2.49 or its equivalent will require 5 years of working experience and internal rigorous assessment

Apel.A field

  • Asset and Maintenance Management

English Requirements:
  • A minimum TOEFL score of 500 or equivalent
  • A minimum IELTS score of 5.0 or equivalent
  • Native English speakers or holding a degree with English as the medium of instruction may be exempted from this requirement

Pre-requisite courses:
Bachelor’s Degree from non-engineering relevant will have to take pre-requisite courses as below:
  • Dynamics
  • Heat Transfers
It will be conducted 100% online

Estimated Total Cost Fee:
  • RM 29,550 (Malaysian)
  • RM 38,600 (International)

Programme Curriculum Structure and Programme Module Synopsis

Candidates are required to complete total of 41 credit hours. The programme's curriculum structure is as follows:

Credit Hour
Principles of Appraisal, Repair and Maintenance 3
Plant Asset Maintenance Management 3
Asset Life Study 3
Asset Operation Optimization 3
Asset Integrity Management 3
Asset Reliability and Risk 3
Electives (Choose 2 from the following groups)
Elective 1
Offshore Structural Integrity Management 3
Condition-based monitoring and analysis 3
Elective 2
Engineering Failure Analysis 3
Pipeline Corrosion Management 3
University Requirement
Data Analytics 3
Project Management 2
National Requirement Research Methodology 2
Industrial-Based Project 1 3
Industrial-Based Project 2 7

As per requirement by Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), candidates coming from non-discipline into MSc in Asset Management and Maintenance programme (such as sciences) have to take TWO pre-requisite courses before enrolling for the MSc programme. The two pre-requisite courses are (1) Dynamics and (2) Heat Transfer.


Core Courses

Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
OBM5063Plant Asset Maintenance Management3 credits

This course covers asset and maintenance management concept, asset and utilisation, asset integrity, associated costs in maintenance management, maintenance management and concept, asset management and maintenance process, inventory control and maintenance, quality and safety in maintenance.


Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Principles of Appraisal, Repair & Maintenance3 credits

This course provides the understanding of the Structural Assessment Techniques, methodology of Structural Testing, Predictive modelling and maintenance of structures, Structural strength and integrity, Repair Techniques.                                                                                               


Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
OBM5033Asset Life Study3 credits

This course covers the economic evaluations to offer a holistic view of asset management. By assessing the economic performance of assets, and applying engineering economy principles and replacement analysis, the study aims to enhance decision-making processes, optimize asset performance, and ensure cost-effective management throughout the asset lifecycle.                        


Course Cod​eModuleCredit Hour
OBM5133Asset Operation Optimization3 credits

The capability in managing operations effectively and efficiently occupies a central role of managers in any public or private institutions. Indeed, it requires strategic and tactical skills. Effective and efficient utilization of resources by an organization determines its success in the long run and operations management is means to achieve this end. With the intensity of competition, significant competitive advantages are accrued to institutions that manage their operations effectively.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Course Code​​ModuleCredit Hour
OBM5083Asset Integrity Management3 credits

The course will cover the basic elements of asset integrity management and explore the latest industry methodologies, techniques and tools. Emphasizing the mandatory compliance with the requirement of HSE, the course is aimed at familiarizing the precipitant with proactive integrity management of the equipment used in downstream and upstream Oil and Gas industry based on fitness for purpose assessment and risk-based inspection (RBI). This course will explain the principles, the benefits and limitations of risk-based inspection employed in Oil and Gas industry asset management. Drawing on that it will discuss how the strategic inspection practices is employed to manage the risks for safe and reliable operation of the asset.                                                                         


Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Asset Reliability and Risk3 credits

The course will cover the basic elements of asset reliability, maintainability, availability and explore related and latest industry methodologies, techniques, and tools. This course will explain the principles and tools of life data analysis, recurrent data analysis, and RAM modelling and simulation.      



Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Offshore Structural Integrity Management3 credits

This course models after ISO 19902 Section 23 & 24 - Offshore Structural Integrity Management with some elements of standard taken from ASME B31.8S. It is designed to equip working engineers with the preliminary cognitive 'know-how' to perform necessary risk and integrity assessment of offshore structures. This course will help to clarify the workflow to collect data, identify threats, consequences and risk of offshore structures. It teaches 5W of data gathering and review. Students will learn different risk assessment methods and its correct vocabulary and review different case study.       


Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Condition-based monitoring and analysis3 credits

This course covers condition-based monitoring and analysis techniques for static and rotating machinery. It includes topics like monitoring process parameters, non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, and IT tools for data analysis and predictive maintenance. Students will learn transient signal analysis, thermography, and oil analysis, along with process parameters such as pressure, temperature, and power consumption. The course features project work on real-world case studies to develop maintenance recommendations. By the end, students will have a thorough understanding of condition-based monitoring, improving equipment reliability, efficiency, and safety.    


Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Engineering Failure Analysis & Inspections3 credits

This course covers introduction to failure analysis and prevention, corrosion failure, materials selection for failure prevention, manufacturing aspects of failure and prevention, structural life assessment methods, tools and techniques in failure analysis, case studies in failure analysis, and risk-based Inspection.    


Course Code​ModuleCredit Hour
OAB5353Pipeline Corrosion Management3 credits

This course discusses common classes of material used in the pipeline industry in relation to the service environment and design criteria. The main type of corrosion damages encountered in the Oil and Gas pipeline will be considered. Influence of process, fluid regime, material, CO2, H2S, O2 and MIC corrosion process and factor influencing them will be discussed. Chemical sampling and analysis of the pipeline fluid system as an index of fluid corrosivity and subsequent required control measures will be discussed in detail. Fundamental to Cathodic Protection (CP) for external protection of the pipeline will be discussed with CP survey techniques for both offshore and onshore pipelines. Furthermore, factors to be considered when designing a CP system (e.g. estimating current requirements) will be explored. The participants will learn how to select and utilize corrosion inhibitors for different systems based on the fluid type and service environment, and how to select and apply corrosion inspection and monitoring techniques for the pipeline. Risk Based Inspection as a current trend in defining the inspection frequency requirements will also be explained.



Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Industrial-Based Project I3 credits

The module allows each student to work independently on industry-based projects under the supervision of a faculty member and/or a supervisor from the industry. The student is expected to review the subject, propose an experimental / analytical plan and follow that through to feasibility study, investigation, design / simulation, test and implementation. Each student must prepare a comprehensive technical report, present and demonstrate the findings and results of the project work.


Course Code​ModuleCredit Hour
OBM5117Industrial-Based Project II7 credits

The module allows each student to work independently on industry-based projects under the supervision of a faculty member and/or a supervisor from the industry. The student is expected to review the subject, propose an experimental / analytical plan and follow that through to feasibility study, investigation, design / simulation, test and implementation. Each student must prepare a comprehensive technical report, present and demonstrate the findings and results of the project work.



National Requirement

Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Research Methodology2 credits

Series of seminars on topics related to research preparations: manage and plan research activities, think creatively, setup experimental/model for theory verification, prepare to commercialize research, prepare research report and communicate research output effectively.


University Requirement

Course Code​ModuleCredit Hour
OBU5013Data Analytics3 credits

This course explores key data analysis techniques, which can be applied to massive datasets to enable real-time decision making. In particular, we examine the software tools that make possible the efficient analysis of data in near real time. Students are expected to make use of said tools to design highly scalable systems that can process and analyze big data for a variety of scientific, social, and environmental challenges.


Course CodeModuleCredit Hour
Project Management2 credits

This course is designed to equip students with the tools and techniques in project management in the energy industry. This course will give students the opportunity to understand and apply the components in project management i.e. integration, scope, time, cost, quality, resource, risk, procurement and HSE. Students will also be able to apply relevant tools and techniques to manage energy projects in a cost-effective manner.​

​External Examiners

IBP External Examiners

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Contact Information

Programme Manager:
Ir Dr Mazian Mohammad
Direct Line: +6053687152

Academic Executive:
Ms Farah Abdul Latif
Direct Line: +6053687030

General Inquiries:
Ms Nurul Asmira Sulaiman
Direct Line: +6053688192


1. Does UTP have any sponsorship for the programme

2. What is the scope of the project (IBP) need to be covered?
The problem should be an industrial based project where it can be the real problem that the student face in their workplace.

3. How if the student cannot attend to the online class for ODL programme ?
 The online class for ODL is not compulsory.  For those who can’t attend the class can refer to the recording at their own pace.
