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Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering  

​(N-​DL/0711/7/0002) (10/27) (MQA/PSA15253)


Engineering is an interdisciplinary field that applies engineering principles and quantitative methods in exploiting subsurface oil and gas reserves. At UTP, the MSc course in Petroleum Engineering offers qualified and dedicated graduates with a learning experience and industry-relevant research and field development projects related to the needs of the multibillion-dollar petroleum industry.

This is achieved through a programme of taught MSc degree course which offers eight technical modules, one national requirement course and two university requirement courses. There is a high degree of computer usage for project, teaching and on-line support. High-performance workstations can provide powerful graphics and processing capability enabling students and high calibre staff to tackle complicated problems of the petroleum industry.

Graduates with an MSc in Petroleum Engineering degree​ will enhance their employment and career prospects in the global oil and gas industry. The degree is also a good starting point for a career in research and academia.​

​Programme Objective

  • Petroleum Engineering specialists with insights to articulate complex industry problems and solutions.
  • Industry leaders with integrity towards sustainable development through continuous improvement and innovation for the betterment of society.

​Programme Outcomes

Upon graduation the candidates shall be able to:
  1. Demonstrate originality and independence in undertaking analytical and critical evaluation, and synthesis of complex information, specialised concepts, theories, methods and practice in Petroleum Engineering.​​
  2. Apply knowledge critically and integratively to manage and resolve complex problems in Petroleum Engineering using advance techniques, tools and skills for decision making and producing new ideas and/ or innovative solution.
  3. Conduct standard and apply practical skills which are informed by knowledge at its forefront and the latest development in Petroleum Engineering.
  4. Work collaboratively with different people in Petroleum Engineering communities and other groups and networks, ethically and professionally.
  5. Communicate clearly the knowledge, skills, ideas, critique and conclusion using appropriate methods to peers, experts, and non-experts in Petroleum Engineering.
  6. Competently use a wide range of suitable digital technologies and appropriate software in Petroleum Engineering.
  7. Apply mathematical and other quantitative, qualitative tools to analyse and evaluate numerical and graphical data in Petroleum Engineering.
  8. Demonstrate significant leadership, autonomy and responsibility in Petroleum Engineering.
  9. Exemplify self-advancement through continuous academic and/or professional development in Petroleum Engineering.
  10. Demonstrate adherence to legal, ethical, and professional codes of practice in Petroleum Engineering.

​Course Duration and Offering

This course is available in Full-Time only.

Minimum Duration
Maximum Duration
12 months
36 months

​Entry Requirements

​Fee Structure

​Programme Curriculum Structure

Each student is required to complete seven core modules, two university requirement course (Data Analytics & Project Management), one individual Project and Research Methodology. The programme curriculum structure is shown below :

Credit Hours
Semester 1
PB​M​​​ ​5123 - ​Reserv​oir Engineering
PB​M​​ ​5144 - Formation Evaluation
PBM 5134 - Drilling Engi​neerin​g
SNB 5032​ - ​Research Method​ology
DAM ​536​2​ - Data Analytics
Semester 2
PBM5153​ - Well Test Analysis
​PBM 5164 - ​Production Engineering
PBM 5173 - ​Reservoir Simulation
​PBM 5183 - Petroleum Economics
​SNB 5052 - Project Management
Semester 3
PBM 522A - ​Research Project

Programme Module Synopsis

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 5144
​Formation Evaluation
4 credits

​The module introduces geological concepts, Petroleum System and geophysics to the students, then concentrates on the material closely associated with petroleum reservoir rocks, including the environment of deposition. The primary focus of this module is formation evaluation by well-logging data. It will cover an overview of the techniques and operations, followed by a discussion of main attributes for reservoir description and performance monitoring.

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 5123​​​
Reservoir Engineering
​​3 credits

The course goal is to expand and further build up student knowledge and background in reservoir engineering. It starts with discussing rock and fluid properties of oil and gas reservoirs. It examines oil and gas reservoirs performance. The course puts more focus on fluid flow in porous media through analysing reservoir performance using analytical techniques such as material balance, decline curve analysis and water influx calculations. Introduction to the EOR and its environmental impacts will be explained. A brief introduction to reservoir simulation will be covered. The topics discussed in this course will be useful in well testing applications, well placement, water flooding planning and management, and reservoir modelling. Upon completion of the course, the student should have mastered the various analytical techniques for handling oil and gas reservoirs.

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 5153​​​
Well Test Analysis
​​3 credits

This course will focus on the different types of tests and techniques, both analytical and graphical, for data representation and analysis of well tests. This will include analysis of semi-log plot, Cartesian plot and diagnostic-derivative log-log plot for different flow regimes during draw-down, and build-up tests and also using type curve matching technique. Students will also learn about the interpretation of complex data, such as those from well test in naturally fractured reservoirs and hydraulically fractured wells. Students should also learn about the interpretation and analysis of RFT data.​

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 5173​​​
Reservoir Simulation
​​3 credits

The course gives the theoretical basis for numerical simulation of fluid flow in petroleum reservoirs. The derivation of partial differential equations required for multiphase fluid flow in porous media are covered, as well as numerical methods for solving the equations using finite difference methods. Input data requirements and applications of simulation models for history matching and prediction of field performance are ​discussed. It also covers the identification of reservoir parameters concerning the analysis of parameters' impact on simulation output by sensitivity and uncertainty analysis.

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 5164
Production Engineering
4 credits

This module introduces the production system from reservoir to surface as a series of pressure drops and discusses the theoretical background to the flow regimes found in each section. The completion practices and equipment are developed along with perforating techniques and methods of determining well / reservoir problems. Remedial solutions are developed along with the techniques of delivering these solutions. The use of artificial lift (including gas lift) is discussed, and the design requirements worked through. The main areas concerning the reservoir are formation damage, acidising and hydraulic fracturing. The module also discusses problems associated with production chemistry and flow assurance.

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 5133
Drilling Engineering
4 credits

Apart from reservoir engineering, drilling engineering holds its importance as a part of petroleum engineering. The course begins with an overview of drilling operations. Then, the students will be introduced to drilling equipment and accessories; rig components, casing, drill string, drilling bits and drilling fluids. The course also covers concepts of formation pressures, drilling fluid and wellbore stability. Students will also be exposed to some of the components of well design, including well planning, surveying program, drill string design, casing seat selection, casing program, mud and cementing program. Additionally, the students will also be exposed to well control simulation using drill-sim 500.

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 5183
Petroleum Economics
​​3 credits

The subject consists of discussing and examining the concepts of the field development plan, studying different types of the agreement made between operators and service company and also fiscal arrangement and performing economic analysis on oil and gas projects.

Course Code
Credit Hour
SNB 5052
Project Management
​​2 credits

This course is designed to equip students with the tools and techniques in project management. This course will allow students to understand and apply the components in project management, i.e. integration, scope, time, cost, quality, resource, risk, procurement and HSE. Students will also be able to apply relevant tools and techniques to manage projects cost-effectively.

Course Code
Credit Hour
SNB 5032
Research Methodology
2 credits

To equip new post-graduate students with the philosophy and methodology of conducting research to maximise their success in proposing and managing their graduate research study plan for successful completion of the objectives by taking into consideration factors such as HSE, ethical conducts and intellectual property protections.

Course Code
Credit Hour
DAM 5362
Data Analytics
2 credits

In this course, we explore key data analysis techniques, which applied to massive datasets to enable real-time decision making. We examine the software tools that make possible the efficient analysis of data in near real-time. Students are expected to make use of the said tools to design highly scalable systems that can process and analyse big data for a variety of scientific, social, and environmental challenges.

Course Code
Credit Hour
PBM 522A
Individual Research Project
10 credits

Students are required to carry out a detailed investigation of some topics related to petroleum engineering. Projects are offered both by Petroleum Engineering and by the industry, and typically include a wide choice of experimental research, computer modelling and real oilfield problems. Assessment is through both thesis and oral presentation.​​

Career Opportunities

Graduates with an MSc in Petroleum Engineering degree will enhance their employment and career prospects in the global oil and gas industry. The degree is also a good starting point for a career in research and academia.



