Structure C
Category |
Module |
Credit Hours |
Core |
Heat Integration Modelling Optimisation Operability & Contol |
3 3 3 3 |
Technical Electives (Choose 4) |
Process Safety Environmental Design for Atmospheric Emission Environmental Design for Aqueous Emissions Advanced Distillation Design Refinery and Petrochemical Processes Synthesis of Reaction and Separation Systems Cogeneration & Site Utility |
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 |
University Requirement |
Data Analytics Project Management |
3 2 |
National Requirement |
Research Methodology |
2 |
Project |
Project 1 Project 2 |
Total |
41 |
Programme Module Synopsis
Module : Modeling
No. of credits: 3
Overview of Modeling Concept; Mathematical Modeling, model Building, Development Constitutive relations by experiment and correlation, Sensitivity and simulation Analysis, Chemical Modeling, Pressure-Volume-Temperature, Phase equilibrium & thermodynamic pr operties, Liquid phase nonideality.
Module : Heat Integration
No. of credits: 3
Introduction to Heat Integration, Energy Targets, pinch design Methods, Capital Cost Targeting, Automated Design, Integration of Heat Engines and Heat Pumps, Integration of Reactors and Separators, Process Modifications, and Data Extraction. Module : Optimisation No. of credits: 2 (Structure B); 3 (Structure C) Overview on Optimisation Basics, Theory, and Methods, Model Building, Applications.
Module : Operability & Control
No. of credits: 3
Introduction, Control Configuration, Unit Operation Control, Control of Complete Processes, Dynamic Behaviour, Feedback Controller design, model Based Control, MIMO Systems, Operability, and Continuous Process.
Module : Process Safety
No. of credits: 3
Overview on Safety, Toxic Hazards, Release Modeling, Fire and Explosion, Pressure Relief System, Reactor Safety, Storage, Hazard Identification, and Risk Assessment.
Module : Environmental Design for Aqueous Emissions
No. of credits: 3
Wastewater Minimisation, Effluent Treatment System Design, Waste Minimisation.
Module : Environmental Designs for Atmospheric Emissions
No. of credits: 3
Introduction, Remediation Processes, Control of VOC, Emissions, Control of Nox, Emissions, Control of Flue Gas Emissions.
Module : Synthesis of Reaction & Separation Systems
No. of credits: 3
Process Economics, Choice of Reactor, choice of Separator, Synthesis of Reaction-Separation Systems, Reactive Distillation, Economic trade-offs, reducing Process Hazards.
Module : Advance Distillation Design
No. of credits: 3
Distillation Design, Column Sequencing, Thermodynamic Analysis of the Distillation Column, Crude Oil Distillation Design, Retrofit Design of Distillation Systems, Representation of Ternary Mixtures, Azeotropic Distillation Sequence Synthesis.
Module : Cogeneration and Site Utility Systems
No. of credits: 3
Introduction to Cogeneration and Site Utility Systems, Furnaces, steam Systems, Site Composite Curves, Optimizing Steam levels, Top Level Analysis, Site Retrofit, Gas Turbine Integration, Driver selection, Site Power to Heat Ratio, and Refrigeration Systems.
Module : Refinery Optimisation
No. of credits: 3
Refinery Processes and Operation, General System Representation and Simulation, Modeling of Large Systems, Rigorous Models vs Simple Models, Advanced Mathematical Programming, and Applications.
Module : Refinery and Petrochemical Processes
No. of credits: 3
Crude Oil and Refinery Product, Crude Oil Distillation, Octane Processes, Hydroprocessing, Heavy End Processes, Light End Processes, Lube Oils, Sulphur Recovery, Petrochemical Processes, Refinery Integration, Hydrogen Integration.
Module : Project Management
No. of credits: 2
In today's environment, certainty of change is without precedent. As such, managers in the contemporary organizations have to embrace project management in enhancing organizational effectiveness and success of their energy management. Energy projects have to be delivered on schedule, within budget, with the required performance capability, and compliant with quality, environmental, safety and health standards. The need to place energy management in the context of the design, strategies, and execution of project management is compelling.
Module : Data Analytics
No. of credits: 3
The course provides thorough understand process, content, concepts, techniques, issues and challenges involved in big data analytics, prepare students to be technically competent in analyzing data and prepare students to improve management decision making using data analytics tools.
Module : Project 1 & Project 2
Project 1
No. of credits: 3
Project 2
No. of credits: 7
The project is designed to allow each student to work independently on an industrial/research-based project under the supervision of a faculty member and/or a supervisor from the industry. The student is expected to review the subject, propose an experimental/analytical plan, and follow through to feasibility study, investigation, design/simulation, test, and implementation. Each student must prepare a comprehensive technical report, present and demonstrate the findings and results of the project work.