Module: Principles of Hazard Analysis & Risk Management
No of Credits: 3
The course is explaining about hazard analysis and risk assessment and its application to the processing industries. The course covers topics on hazards, risk, risk analysis, probability and reliability, hazard analysis and awareness, PHA tools (HAZOP, HAZID, FMEA, etc.), bow-tie diagrams, the principle of risk management. The course will also include the consequence analysis, risk contributors, risk values, risks, communication, and safety culture to enhance process safety in processing industries.
Module: System Safety Engineering
No of Credits: 3
This course is aimed to enhance students’ knowledge of the introduction to system safety engineering, safety performance measurement, preliminary hazard analysis, fault detection, and diagnosis. The course also covers topics on the subsystem hazard system, system hazard analysis, and operating and support hazard analysis. The analysis for failure modes and their effects and LOPA will also be discussed.
Module: Safe Design and Operation
No of Credits: 3
This course is aimed to enhance students’ knowledge of the designs for process safety strategies, a layer of protection, and inherently safer design strategies. The course also covers topics on the pressure relief system, sizing, relief piping, and disposal system. The designs to prevent fire and explosion, dust explosion and runaway reaction will also be discussed.
Module: Human Factors
No of Credits: 3
The course is explaining how human factors influences human behaviour in a way that can affect process safety performance at all levels of an organisation. The course covers topics on human factors’ key issues, factors affecting human performance, and systematic approaches in predicting and reducing human error. The course will also include case studies to assess human error in the process industry and propose human error prevention techniques to enhance process safety.
Module: Fire & Explosion Engineering
No of Credits: 3
This course is aimed to enhance students’ knowledge of the fundamental theory of fires, explosion, and fire hazard analysis. It also covers topics on fire risk assessment, protection and prevention strategies, the installation, inspection, testing and maintenance of fire and explosion protection.
Module: Industrial Hygiene Engineering
No of Credits: 3
This course covers the following topics: building and facilities; ergonomics, material handling, and storage; machine guarding; welding; electrical hazards, and noise.
Module: Quantitative Risk Assessment
No of Credits: 3
This course provides the opportunity to learn about risk, the applications of risk involved with industrial activities, and how to practice risk-informed decision-making and risk management. Because engineering is a decision-making enterprise, a decision-making way of thinking is used throughout the course.
Module: Process Plant Integrity & Reliability (offered to Structure A only)
No of Credits: 3
This course is aimed to enhance students’ knowledge on system failure prediction, failure rate data, and synthesis of failure, types of uncertainty, reliability concept and theory. The course also covers topics on the failure distribution, mean time between failure, structural reliability, and availability modelling. The strategy for equipment critically, assessment, and maintenance will also be discussed.
Module: Incident Prevention & Emergency Management
No of Credits: 3
This course covers the following topics: natural and man-made emergencies and disaster; managing and planning, controlling, financial risk in major accident hazard; fire emergency response; communication and evacuation procedure; emergency operation and management; emergency plan and preparedness; incident investigation and use of incident statistics
Module: Environmental Risk & Impact Assessment
No of Credits: 3
This course explains the container and spill management and containers of hazardous waste. The course also covers topics on the cleanup of spills and hazardous waste site emergencies. The environmental control, noise, and environmental impact assessment will also be discussed.