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Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry

(R/0531/6/0001) (09/26) (MQA/SWA4584)


The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry Programme is aligned with UTP’s Mission Statements to produce skilled knowledge workers, addressing the nation’s call for more scientists and technologists, especially in the areas of Petrochemistry and Sustainable Chemistry. This programme is developed to nurture students to become competent graduates with the knowledge, understanding, skills and values required in our move towards a high-income society.


This exclusive programme adopts the multi-mode educational delivery system which emphasises on student-centred learning, a practical-based approach, and experiential learning, as individuals orin teams, intending to realise UTP’s seven (7) attributes for a well-rounded graduate model. The programme stresses the need for a firm foundation in Fundamental Chemistry, followed by advanced courses such as Separation Process, Hydrocarbon and Petrochemical, Quantum and Computational Chemistry, Analytical Instrumentation and Molecular Spectroscopy. Students learning experience is also enhanced with the incorporation of Science Team Project and the compulsory 7-month structured Student Industrial Internship Programme.


In addition to the above, students are given the opportunity to choose their specialisation in any of the following areas:

  • Petrochemistry
  • Sustainable chemistry


Career opportunities for the graduates from the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry programme are enormous. They will be able to enter into the scientific workforce in various industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics; as well as in other sectors such as Government, Academia and Research and Development sectors. These include but are not confined to exciting roles such as Analytical Chemists, Computational Chemists, Quality Control Chemists, Researchers, Entrepreneurs and Academics.


Programme Educational Objectives

  • Chemists who are competent with the potential to become leaders in industries related to Applied Chemistry.
  • Chemists who are committed to sustainable development of Applied Chemistry for the betterment of the society.

Programme Outcomes

To produce well-rounded graduates with the following outcomes:

  • Acquire knowledge and understanding of Chemistry.
  • Solve problems related to Chemistry and its applications.
  • Apply knowledge of Chemistry to conduct practicals, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • Communicate effectively with community at large.
  • Use scientific techniques, skills or tools necessary for professional practice.
  • Demonstrate effective leadership and team players for life-long learning.
  • Demonstrate business acumen, entrepreneurial skills and social responsibility.
  • Conduct applied chemistry project in an ethical and professional manner.

Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate with the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry, students are required to obtain a minimum of 127 credit hours and a minimum CGPA of 2.00.

Summary of Courses Required for Graduation
Course Group (G) Number of Credit Hours
NR - National Requirement 10
UR - University Requirement 14
CC - Core Common 8
CD - Core Discipline 69
CI - Core Industrial Internship 14
CSp - Core Specialisation 12



1. What are the career prospects for graduates with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Applied Chemistry degree in Malaysia?

Graduates will have career opportunities in various scientific workforces across many industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics; as well as in other sectors such as Government, Academia and Research and Development sectors.

2. What are the opportunities for research and development in the field of applied chemistry?

Opportunities for research and development include drug development and testing, discovering new and improving existing products, cell factories, nanotechnology, and computer-designed molecules.

3. What is the tuition fee for the Bachelor of Science in Applied Chemistry programme at UTP?

There are different tuition fees for local and international students.

Fee for local students: RM67,600.00

Fee for international students: RM77,400

4. Can I get a scholarship to study for the Bachelor of Science (Hons) Applied Chemistry degree at UTP?

Yes, you can get a scholarship to study the Bachelor of Science (Hons) Applied Chemistry degree at UTP if you meet the criteria.

For more info on available financial aid, click here.

5. What are the entry requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Hons) Applied Chemistry degree at UTP?

Applicants wishing to enrol at UTP for undergraduate programmes must possess a minimum of 1 (one) of the following qualifications:

  • STPM
  • A-Level or Equivalent
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Matriculation
  • Foundation in Relevant Field from Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
  • Foundation in Relevant Field from a recognised institution
  • Diploma in Relevant Field from a recognised institution
  • UEC - Senior Middle Level (SML)
  • Australian Matriculation Programme
  • Others