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​Bachelor of Science (Hons) Petroleum Geoscience

International Collaborative Programme​​​​


Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) Malaysia, ranked 361 in QS World University Rankings for the Year 2023 has inked an agreement with Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya, Indonesia on 11 April 2022, to offer a dual degree program for Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Petroleum Geoscience. This collaboration will offer opportunities for B. Eng. In Geophysical Engineering, ITS students transfer their credits to the UTP petroleum geoscience programme upon completion of the first 2 years at ITS. At UTP, the students will spend the remaining 2 years of study, including internship. Upon completion of studies and satisfying all graduation requirements of both universities, students will be conferred degrees from both UTP and ITS. The students will benefit from studying abroad with the potential for a Malaysian internship experience and potential employment-seeking in any part of the world including Malaysia. It is an excellent opportunity for students who intend to seek different learning and cultural experiences, with an affordable tuition fee and living expenses.   

Career Pathway

  • UTP engineering programs are accredited by Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia, which means recognized by Washington Accord signatory countries. Hence, the graduates could seek employment opportunities in Malaysia and in any other Washington Accord signatory country. In addition, the graduates could proceed to seek professional registration with respective engineering legislative bodies. They are also able to pursue postgraduate studies at UTP. 

The Uniqueness and Benefits

    1. BSc. (Hons) in Petroleum Geoscience (UTP) and B. Eng. in Geophysical Engineering (ITS) are both nationally and globally recognized​
    2. ​UTP Petroleum Geoscience degree is the only program in the Southeast Asia region that received international accreditation by the Geological Society of London (GSL). This means our degree is recognized and comparable to top universities in the United Kingdom. Plus, students may proceed to pursue professional registration as charted geologists by the GSL.​
    3. UTP petroleum geoscience program has the distinction of being in the Top 51-60 QS World University Ranking by Subject for mineral mining engineering for the year 2022 while ITS of being ranked in Top 401-450 QS World University Ranking by Subject. 
    4. Economical option for overseas qualification (via dual degree). This dual degree program will offer opportunities for ITS students to pursue the first 2 years of Geophysical Engineering at ITS and later advance their studies at UTP with credit exemption.
    5. Dual Award. Upon completion of studies and satisfying all graduation requirements of both universities, students will be conferred degrees from both UTP and ITS.
    6. More than 95% of graduates secure a job within first 3 months upon graduation. 
    7. Malaysian internship program (7 months structured program in Tier 1 companies).  
    8. ​Higher emphasis on industry-driven curriculum. More than 20 adjunct lectures yearly by industry experts, field excursions, and exposure to industry projects.
    9. Employing state-of-the-art teaching and learning philosophy and facilities. 
    10. Affordable fees and living expenses.

Study Pathway​​​​​

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How To Apply​