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International Collaborative Programme with Deakin University

Students enrolled under this special track – the first two (2) years of Bachelor of Electrical & Electronics Engineering with Honours, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours and Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours at UTP and th​e remaining two (2) years at Deakin University, Australia. ​

Besides that, this special track also allows students to complete the first three (3) years of Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honours at UTP and subsequently the remaining one (1) year at Deakin Un​iversity. 

Upon completion of their studies, students will be conferred with Hon​ours degree from Deakin University, Australia. ​​​​
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​​Why Study at Deakin University?


​Study Pathway



For Further Information, please contact:

Civil Enginee​ring

Associate Professor Ir Dr Bashar S Mohammed

Chair, Civil Engineering ​​Department

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Associate Professor Ts Dr M Naufal B M Saad

Chair, Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department

Mechanical Engineering

A​​ssociate Professor Ir Ts Dr Masdi B Muhammad

Chair, Mechanical Engineering Department

Information Technology​

Associate Professor Ts Dr M Hilmi B Hasan
Chair, Information Technology