Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) was established in 1997 to meet the surging demand for tertiary education, which was then mainly served by the limited number of public universities. Since then, it has become the university of choice with more than 4,000 students at any one time and more than 30,000 graduates produced hitherto. UNITEN contributes to the nation building through its Engineering, Computing and Business Management programmes that were carefully crafted to meet the industry demand. In Engineering particularly, UNITEN was ranked by the US News and World Report’s Best Global University as the top private university in Malaysia and #243 in the world in 2021.
After more than 20 years of experience, UNITEN has found its niche areas as an energy focused university. With the vision to be a leading global energy university that shapes a sustainable future, the university offers state-of-the-art facilities to
ensure the best possible teaching, learning and research experience in energy for our students and staff alike. For example, our students have benefited immensely from the various projects under the Smart UniverCity initiative with TNB that promotes efficient energy consumption through, amongst others, the use of intelligent on-campus transportation.
With the upcoming multidisciplinary lab, which is nearing its completion, we aim to further strengthen both our research capabilities and our students’ learning experience in the established niche areas. This will be achieved through the many
energy related programmes planned under the establishment of the professorial chairs in energy, namely Chair in Energy Economics, AAIBE Chair of Renewable Energy and Tan Sri Leo Moggie Distinguished Chair in Energy Informatics, which will help to bring UNITEN to greater heights.
UNITEN has also proven its ability to generate professionals, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and competent workforce that meet the industry standards, which
is demonstrated through our consistently high employability rate of more than 90% for many years. Our graduates are making impacts working with multinational companies such as Honda, Celcom, KPMG, PayPal, SEEK Asia and many more. With such an excellent track record, we are determined to expand our services beyond our university students and to include students from other GLUs so that they will also get to enjoy the expertise that UNITEN has to offer. This can be achieved by means of our energy-related electives, which are our niche courses that are not commonly found in other local universities.

This course provides an overview of the social dimension of the engineering profession. The course introduces the professional bodies and code of conduct of the engineer. The need for sustainable development, occupational safety and health, legal and ethical issues in engineering practice and intellectual property rights will be discussed. The common societal and cultural issues that crop up in engineering practice will also be covered.

This course provides students with an avenue to be introduced to a real industry and organisation in Malaysia, namely the energy industry.

This course provides entrepreneurs with a vast, evolving medium for engaging in all phases of business activities. New Business opportunities are literally evolving with the introduction of new technological developments. As pioneers in this
exciting new dimension of business, students will study trends that have evolved, learn existing methods and standards, learn how to analyse existing business web activities, and develop web business strategies for launching and maintaining business activities on the net.

This is an introductory course in management theory and practice. In this course, management is presented as a discipline and a process. This course introduces the modern management concepts with emphasis on the major functions and
activities performed by a manager. The four major functions of management – planning, organising, leading and controlling – will be well explained in this course beside discussing the behaviour of individuals and groups in organisational settings. This course also incorporates the historical theories, decision-making processes, interpersonal concepts and current management issues in the business environment.

This course introduces the rudiments of spoken Japanese to beginners. The essence of this course is to enable students to communicate in the language.
It focuses on the mastery of the two language skills – listening and speaking – which leads to basic interactions. Rudimentary Japanese characters – Hiragana and simple Kanji –are introduced and basic grammar elements are taught. The course demands for a natural way of teaching and learning the language – through conversations, imitation and habit formation. Students learn through set social expressions – listening to them being spoken, explaining contextually and illustrating the finer points of the language through incidental grammar.

This course introduces the fundamental theories, concept and application of creative thinking. The objective of this course is to help students become creative thinkers by applying various thinking tools and idea generation techniques to solve problems creatively.

This course consists of fundamental topics aiming to create awareness, understanding and sense of pride in the uniqueness and achievements of Malaysia in the past and present. Topics covered in this course include History and Politics, The Malaysian Constitution, The Malaysian Government System, Multiracial Society and National Unity, National Development as well as Thoughts and Beliefs.

This course discusses the basic concepts, backgrounds and current social realities of ethnic relations in Malaysia from the perspective of social cohesion.
The purpose of this course is to provide awareness and appreciation in managing diversity towards strengthening of the nation state. Teaching and learning will be implemented in the form of experiential learning through individual, team activities and the spirit of volunteerism. At the end of this course, students are expected to practice noble values, have a national identity, and accept the ethnic socio-cultural diversity in Malaysia.

This course will equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake research in systematic, scientific and logical manner. Students will be
exposed to research concepts, literature review, research design, qualitative and quantitative data analysis, information literacy skills and proposal development. They will also be exposed to relevant materials related to research activities.
Open Electives

This course provides students with basic knowledge on energy consumption and energy efficiency, especially for building systems. Energy scenarios, policies,
legislation and standards will be introduced. This course also covers energy pricing, energy audit, energy management programme and energy conservation potentials and regulation. Operating principles of electric motors, compressed air system, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) etc. will be taught in class. Advanced energy efficient systems and technologies will be described. Methods to reduce energy consumption, such as energy labelling scheme, energy management and audit will be introduced.

This course introduces the concept of sustainability and its evolving issues at the global and local level. Students will explore different conventional and alternative methods that can be applied towards meeting different energy system needs
and critically examine these methods in the context of sustainability. It further provides students with an insight into the strategies and practices adopted by the government, corporations and institutions towards achieving sustainable development.

This course provides the initial exposure to nuclear engineering for selected undergraduates who opt to pursue Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with technical electives in nuclear engineering. Its primary objective is to pique
students’ interest in the field, while at the same time preparing them as future engineers with specialisation in nuclear engineering. This course shall cover a broad range of subjects, from basics of nuclear physics to nuclear power plants, from fuel cycle to waste management, and relevant special issues in nuclear. Students will also be exposed to the operation of nuclear research reactor at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency (MNA), Bangi, Selangor.

This course reviews the development of national policy and of international institutions intended to control and harness nuclear energy. In addition, This course will seek to understand the role of international institutions in channeling nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, in preventing proliferation of nuclear weapons, and in harmonising national regulations to address the growing international trade in nuclear technology and materials. Next, this course is designed to review the principle features of nuclear security as currently practiced. The evolution of contemporary policy and relevant determining circumstances are discussed and evaluated. This course also examines current issues in law, politics, military strategy, and technology in regard to weapons of mass destruction and related topics in international security, and review legal regulations and political relationships that determine the state of nuclear security at the moment. Analysis of nuclear security events and threats will also be included. This course will introduce all
aspects of the nuclear safeguards in Malaysia and abroad and will build basic knowledge and understanding of nuclear non-proliferation, nuclear forensics and nuclear safeguards. In addition, this course will also discuss tools used to combat nuclear proliferation such as treaties, institutions, multilateral arrangements, and technology controls.

This course explores the concepts and techniques of presenting information in a visual and meaningful way so that users can better understand it. In this course, students will learn how to analyse, identify suitable visualisation technique
and transform information into meaningful graphical presentation. This course focuses more on the cognitive and psychological aspects of designing graphical presentation of information.

This course develops the foundational understanding of cybersecurity and introduces students to the characteristics of cybercrime, security principles
and technologies. It covers understanding of cybersecurity’s basic principles, foundational knowledge, and core skills of cybersecurity needed for monitoring, detecting and responding to security events, thus protecting systems and organisations from cybersecurity risks, threats and vulnerabilities.

This course provides student with an avenue to be introduced to the real industry and organisations in Malaysia, namely the energy industry.

This course provides entrepreneurs with a vast, evolving medium for engaging in all phases of business activities. New Business opportunities are literally evolving with the introduction of new technological developments. As pioneers in this
exciting new dimension of business, students will study trends that have evolved, learn existing methods and standards, learn how to analyse existing business web activity, and develop web business strategies for launching and maintaining business activities on the net.

This course aims to provides students with a basic and broader understanding of the economics of energy resources like oil, natural gas, coal, and electricity etc. It covers various economic theories and concepts related to energy production
and consumption, energy demand and supply, energy pricing, sustainability and conservation, energy policy and the development of new and renewable energy sources. Also, it provides students with the knowledge of the impact of their energy use, and how their energy use affects the energy sustainability, environment, and their lives now and in the future, whether they are using energy efficiently or inefficiently (or unnecessarily).

This course emphasises on the understanding of the fundamental concepts and practical aspects of energy management towards sustainable energy management. Areas included are the fundamental knowledge of the basic
principles and policies used in energy management and auditing. Proper application of these tools will improve facilities performance and operation, reduce operating costs and environmental impacts, and create a more sustainable business model. This course covers the ways to develop and implement energy management programmes and conduct energy audits with specific case studies. This course provides analytical skills to evaluate energy management investment. This course also surveys the current state of global and local energy management policy. Developed as an opportunity to offset skill shortages in the energy industry, this programme prepares students for successful careers in the energy sector and
related government and service sectors through courses in energy management.

This course is designed to explore students’ understanding on the nexus between energy systems and society.. It covers major fuel types used in human
civilisation. There will be a broad-ranging analysis of energy resource, combustion or conversion processes, application, waste, economic, social, political, cultural, and environmental impacts and options associated with the changing mix of fuels used within and across societies.
GLUMinor: Energy Economics
The minor in Energy Economics offers five energy-related subjects which are Energy Economics, Energy Management, Energy Regulations and Policy, Energy and Society, and Economics of International Oil and Gas. This programme is introduced to equip students with a strong knowledge of economics and energy that suits the demand of the market workforce. Energy Economics aims to understand the activities of different agents in the energy supply chain industries with an economics framework which are consumers, producers, demand and supply sides, market and the government – and how they all fit together. Most importantly, this programme is designed to expose students to the specific aspects in economics discipline and energy sector with current-global policy interest studies: 3Es- Economics, Energy, Environmental issues. Upon completion of this programme, students are expected to have a firm and thorough understanding of the principles and roles of economics in the energy sector to be applied in the business and corporate environment. The courses offered are being specifically structured to equip students with strong theoretical and practical knowledge in economics and energy before they can embark on to the real world of energy service sectors or pursue their studies.

This course provides students with a basic and broader understanding of the economics of energy resources like oil, natural gas, coal, and electricity etc. It covers various economic theories and concepts related to energy production and consumption, energy demand and supply, energy pricing, sustainability and conservation, energy policy and the development of new and renewable energy sources. It also provides students with the knowledge of the impact of their energy use, and how their energy use affects the energy sustainability, environment, and their lives now and in the future, whether they are using energy efficiently or inefficiently (or unnecessarily).

This course emphasises on the understanding of the fundamental concepts and practical aspects of energy management towards sustainable energy management. Areas included are the fundamental knowledge of the basic principles and policies used in energy management and auditing. Proper application of these tools will improve facilities performance and operation, reduce operating costs and environmental impacts, and create a more sustainable business model. This course covers the ways to develop and implement energy management programmes and conduct energy audits with specific case studies. This course provides analytical skills to evaluate energy management investment. This course also surveys the current state of global and local energy management
policy. Developed as an opportunity to offset skill shortages in the energy industry, this programme prepares students for successful careers in the energy sector and related government and service sectors through courses in energy management.

This course provides an understanding of energy regulation and policies specifically in Malaysia. It also considers some of the international impacts of
Malaysia energy policy. This course examines each significant form of energy (oil, natural gas, nuclear power, electricity, coal and renewables) in terms of the manner in which each form is regulated by various government ministries and institutions/commissions. Each topic of this course will introduce students to the current policies related to energy and environment. The syllabus for this course is designed to give full knowledge of overall realities, issue, solution, cases, current policies and regulations and the expected challenges that our government/
institution/commission will face in the upcoming years. Thus, also proposed provisions that need to be implemented in the upcoming decades.

This course is designed to explore students’ understanding on the nexus between energy systems and society. It covers major fuel types used in human civilisation. There will be a broad-ranged analysis of energy resource, combustion or conversion processes, application, waste, economic, social, political, cultural, and environmental impacts and options associated with the changing mix of fuels used within and across societies.

This course provides an understanding of the development of oil and gas markets that is the key to the progress made by most nations. It also gives an insight of how oil and gas industry is affected by geopolitical landscape and the current energy
policy. Students are also exposed to the energy security and fuel diversification policy.
GLUMinor: Energy Utilisation
Energy conversion and utilisation is one of critical areas, not only at present, but for decades to come. The GLU Minor Programme titled “Energy Utilisation” consists of a series of courses that introduces students to knowledge required in the efficient management of energy. One of the Energy Utilisation courses is Power Generation which highlights important processes in electricity production. Different types of power plants are reviewed and analysed. An option to learn about alternative yet controversial energy source through nuclear is also given via the Introduction to Nuclear Engineering course. In parallel to this, the application of energy utilisation and conversion is also demonstrated through the Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning course. From the energy conversion point of view, students will discover how energy is effectively distributed and managed at the transmission-distribution network through the Power Distribution Engineering course. Apart from the micro-operation of energy production, distribution and utilisation, students will have an opportunity to look at the macro or global view of energy, where Energy Sustainability is discussed. The topics include strategies and approaches made by the governments, corporations and institutions towards achieving sustainability development. To further understand and apply the concept of sustainability, the Energy Efficiency and Management course is also included within the theme.

This course covers the engineering design principles of modern utility’s distribution network, especially the medium voltage (MV) network, with special
emphasis on reliable and economic operation of the network. This course also covers primary equipment of the distribution network, distribution protection, capacitor placement and discussions on distributed generations.

This course provides students with basic knowledge on energy consumption and energy efficiency, especially for building systems. Energy scenarios, policies,
legislation and standards will be introduced. This course also covers energy pricing, energy audit, energy management programme and energy conservation potentials and regulation. Operating principles of electric motors, compressed air system, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) etc. will be taught in class. Advanced energy efficient systems and technologies will be described. Methods to reduce energy consumption, such as energy labelling scheme, energy management and audit will be introduced.

This course introduces the concept of sustainability and its evolving issues at the global and local level. Students will explore different conventional and alternative methods that can be applied towards meeting different energy system needs
and critically examine these methods in the context of sustainability. It further provides students with an insight into the strategies and practices adopted by the government, corporations and institutions towards achieving sustainable development.

This course covers the analysis and design practice for heating, ventilation and
air conditioning (HVAC) systems. The scope of study includes psychrometrics, air quality, heating and cooling and moisture control in buildings. The applications of HVAC system and selection of HVAC components are to be studied.

In this course, students will be introduced to the overall power generation plants and systems, regulatory framework, management of operation and maintenance of power plant. The focus will be on steam power plants, gas turbine power plants and hydro power plants. Students will also be exposed to the economics, current
issues and advances in technologies for the power generation industry.

This course provides the initial exposure to nuclear engineering for selected undergraduates who opt to pursue Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with technical electives in nuclear engineering. Its primary objective is to pique
students’ interest in the field, while at the same time preparing them as future engineers with a specialisation in nuclear engineering. This course shall cover a broad range of subjects, from basics of nuclear physics to nuclear power plants, from fuel cycle to waste management, and relevant special issues in nuclear. Students will also be exposed to the operation of nuclear research reactor at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency (MNA), Bangi, Selangor.