At its core, a computer science degree is defined by diligence in problem solving. That is why computer sciences have played an influential role in shaping the society we live in today from behind the scenes.
Professionals in the field are able to make use of their computing prowess and provide practical solutions to an assortment of corporate and social contexts. As a result, many of these solutions have been seamlessly integrated into many facets of our day-to-day lives.
This digitalisation of society has led to computer science jobs being a strong career option in the eyes of many Malaysian youth. This is in large part due to its versatility in career opportunities; here are examples of how computer sciences have been applied across a variety of industries.
Developing applications for commercial use
Communication and entertainment have transformed drastically over the last few decades through the popularisation of mobile devices.
Given the accessibility of platforms such as Instagram, Whatsapp and Netflix, people today are able to keep in touch with their friends and family and watch their favourite television series at the snap of a finger.
This is due to the continuous optimisation of mobile applications in the form of intuitive user interface (UI) designs, improved loading speeds, and innovative ideas. Software development companies today are on the lookout for promising young talent who are able to provide fresh yet practical perspectives on how mobile applications can take a new step forward.
Completing a computer science degree is a great way to gain a deep understanding of the ins and outs of software development that enable graduates to bring together practical solutions and innovative ideas on real-world problems.
Assisting with management through enterprise systems
While commercial software is meant for the use of the general public, enterprise software focuses more on how it can support corporate function and business operations. In order to gain an upper hand on competitors, many businesses have begun implementing operational systems to assist with tasks such as inventory management, managing company resources, and more.
Companies today are looking to hire promising computer scientists who are capable of streamlining corporate decision-making. Developing and optimising workplace systems enable employees and executives alike to focus on more important tasks and serve as an effective way to boost productivity across the board.
Many computer science courses offer subjects that specialise in enterprise systems within the curriculum. Individuals who choose to enrol will develop a deep understanding of how to apply computing technology in solving management dilemmas and supporting corporate processes.
Gaining valuable insights with data analytics
Industries have recognised the value of big data when it comes to making informed business decisions. The field of data analytics involves going through large and complex data sets in an attempt to identify patterns and provide new insights into a topic of choice.
For example, businesses may want to look into consumer behaviour in order to better understand who their core audience is and adjust marketing strategies accordingly. It is also used for tracking employee performances and appraising business ventures based on past data.
This is why computer scientists are hired as essential players in business operations. Students who choose to major in data analytics are able to build specialised data analytics software that integrate automation, machine learning algorithms, and other computing technologies that support decision-making processes.
Lead Malaysia into the digital age
Computer science jobs in Malaysia are on the rise thanks to the national focus to develop Malaysia’s digital market in recent years. In particular,
MyDIGITAL is a government initiative that aspires to propel Malaysia into becoming a key player in the Southeast Asian digital economy.
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS’
Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) serves as a strong stepping stone into the versatile field of computing. By the end of the programme, graduates can expect to be equipped with foundational computing skills alongside the out-of-the-box thinking necessary to create adaptable and innovative solutions based on a societal context.