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MySejahtera Check In is Compulsory When Entering the Campus In Addition to the Current U-Trace Check In

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With immediate effect, all staff are required to check in using MySejahtera app when entering the campus in addition to U-Trace check in. Once you arrive at your office, please scan the attached MySejahtera QR code to check in.

If you need to go to any of the cafes or An-Nur Mosque, you need to check in by scanning the specific MySejahtera QR codes displayed at the respective locations.

Failure to do so, may result in action taken by the authorities e.g. issuance of compound to the university and affected individual.

On a similar note, please be reminded that only staff with the official travel letter signed by UTP Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) will be allowed to enter the campus.

Should you have any queries on COVID-19, please email to

Stay safe and healthy.

Thank you.

COVID Response Team
3 June 2021