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Teaching and Learning Activ​​ities (6 - 25 March 2022)

Dear Students,


This is to inform that the teaching, learning and assessment activities from 6 – 25 March 2022 will resume operation as approved by Senate for January 2022 semester as follows, with STRICT ADHERENCE TO THE SOP:


No​​ A​cademic Activities Details
1. Lecture, tutorial, labs, fieldwork and student supervision
  • Hybrid and physical classes, as well as labs requiring hands-on and fieldwork are to resume as face-to-face session.
  • Students who are not well must not attend the physical face-to-face session and must inform their lecturers of their condition.
2. Adjunct Lecture
  • All adjunct lecture sessions are encouraged to be conducted via online session
3. Assessment
  • Assessments are allowed to be conducted via physical face-to-face with STRICT ADHERENCE TO THE SOP
  • Students who are not well must not attend the physical face-to-face session and must inform their lecturers of their condition.


Please note the following points:

  1. All students and lecturers MUST wear their mask at all times during the physical face-to-face session.
  2. Students MUST adhere to the Covid 19 related SOPs to minimise the risk of infection, i.e. social distancing, hand sanitising, do not gather in large crowd, do not attend physical face-to-face session if you have any Covid-19 related symptom.





Should you have any queries on Covid-19, please email to


Thank you.
for Covid Response Team


4 March 2022
