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​Welcome Aboard the new Vice Chancellor, Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim (1 November 2012) 


The University community officially welcome the new Vice Chancellor, Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hashim who reported for duty on 1 November, 2012.

Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim is a graduate in Electronics &  Electrical Engineering and an Honorary Doctorate recipient in Engineering from the University of Birmingham, UK, YBhg. Datuk Abdul Rahim has been attached with PETRONAS for 32 years. He has filled the positions of CEO of PETRONAS Oil Refinery Melaka, Vice President of Human Resources, Gas Business and Research & Technology Divisions and President of Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicle Association (ANGVA) among others.


YBhg Datuk Abdul Rahim is the President of the Malaysian Gas Association and Immediate Past-President of the International Gas Union (IGU) for the triennium 2012 - 2015. Previously he was on the board of the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and Chairman of the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC) Malaysia.  Currently, he is an Associate Member of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Commissioner of Energy Commission and a member of the National Science and Research Council.