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​UTP Vice Chancellor appointed as Fellow of the Academy of Science Malaysia (ASM)




UTP Vice Chancellor, YBhg Datuk Ir (Dr) Abdul Rahim Hj Hashim, FASc, was among the latest of the country’s academics elected as Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) during the recent Academy’s 19th Annual General Meeting. He is elected in the discipline of Engineering & Computer Sciences.

ASM is a statutory government body formed by the government with a challenging mission that is to pursue, encourage and enhance excellence in Science, Engineering and Technology in support of the development of the nation and for the benefit of mankind. Over the years, the Academy has provided, among others, strategic advice to the nation on the development and policies of Science, Technology and Innovation initiatives to support the nation building. The Fellows of the Academy are drawn from eminent Malaysian scientists, engineering and technologist in many fields. A Fellow is appointed based on his/her achievements which are considered of extraordinary value.

Currently, there are three (3) ASM fellows serving the university namely Prof Ir Dr Ahmad Fadzil b Mohamad Hani (Engineering Sciences), Prof Dr Norani Muti bt Mohamed (Mathematical and Physical Sciences) and YBhg Datuk Abdul Rahim.

The Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS would like to congratulate YBhg Datuk Ir Dr Abdul Rahim Hj Hashim on his appointment.

UTP Vice Chancellor’s profile