World Class Learning Unleashed at LEGO League (10 May 2015) Sasbadi Holdings Berhad, the National Partner of for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST®), an international organisation founded to inspire young people’s interest and participation in science and technology, and LEGO® recently organised the 8th FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) Malaysia 2015 at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). UTP is one of the Strategic Partners of the event and hold the exclusivity for the Official Venue of FLL Malaysia 2015.
Chairman of Sasbadi Holdings, Dato’ Salleh Mohd Husein said, “This year saw a huge number of children participating, who came from rural and urban areas. This figure has increased significantly since previous years, and proves that robotics is getting very popular among the youngsters. The FLL participants have demonstrated tremendous improvements in terms of robot designs and presentation quality this time around. It is clear that they were well prepared before competing.” “The championship aims to equip the students with problem solving skills and team-work via hands-on experience to tackle a real-world issue. The tournament is also a platform to shape the new generation to appreciate science and technology. This is why, since the past 11 years, Sasbadi has never stopped promoting hands-on learning and robotic. “I am confident that we have a solid contingent that we can be proud of, to represent the country at the FLL Championship in USA next year. This year’s FLL has produced many new talents, especially among those who are participating for the first time. Competition was fierce even in the initial stages, so it is my hope that they will reach even greater heights of success at the world championship,” added Dato’ Salleh.
The participating teams was given a challenge, and to successfully complete the challenge, each team must conduct research, build and program LEGO® MINDSTORMS robot to explore the given topic of ‘World Class Learning Unleashed’ and to suggest the best learning solutions. The FLL competition was judged in four areas: project presentation; robot performance; technical design and programming of the robot and teamwork, and taking into consideration the FLL Core Values. The highest honour would go to the team that best exemplified the spirit and values of the programme.
Dato Salleh also said that the increasing interests in robotics among children nowadays is the result of the government’s tireless efforts in introducing various science and technology programmes especially robotics. The programmes have been implemented continuously and increased the interests and support from corporate bodies, higher learning institutes, teachers and Sasbadi Holding. Dato’ Salleh urged for more parties to come forward and support such initiatives in promoting robotics in Malaysia. Mohamed Noor Rosli Baharom, UTP Deputy Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs and Alumni, said throughout the League, participants had ample opportunities to explore their curiosity and imagination with LEGO® bricks, sensors, motors, and gears to invent unique and autonomous robots capable of completing various missions and solutions to real-world problems. This competition helped students to explore their imaginations and to creatively express their ideas and innovativeness through their creations. “We are pleased to highlight that they are around 200 volunteers comprising UTP students, who have contributed throughout the event. Apart from supporting Sasbadi’s initiative to nurture students with higher order thinking skills or ‘Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi’ as highlighted in the National Education Blueprint, we are also grooming UTP students to be well rounded. In UTP, we are dedicated in producing well rounded students who are very competent not only in technical knowledge, but also possess the creative aptitude and leadership skills that will allow them to survive in the current global marketplace. Managing and working with participants of different age, programme and attitudes during FLL 2015 will definitely give them a real life challenging experience. Besides UTP, other strategic partners for FLL Malaysia 2015 were the Education Ministry, the National Science Centre and Bechtel Malaysia. Supporting partners were The Institution of Engineering and Technology, LEGO® Education, Taylor’s University, KDU University College, UIniversiti Teknologi MARA, Politeknik Ungku Omar, Penang Science Cluster, Telekom Malaysia Berhad and CIMB Foundation. |