(5-13 April 2016)
The Meet UTP@Galeri PETRONAS is a one-of-a-kind, not–to-be-missed event to showcase educational opportunities in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) to prospective students. This year, UTP collaborated with Galeri PETRONAS, a world-class venue for art exhibitors and visitors alike.

The event, held from 5 to 13 April 2016, was intended to inform prospective students about the courses that UTP offer, the prerequisites for admission to UTP and gather useful information on key issues such as accommodation and financial assistance.

A double benefit would be the admission and career consultation offered by staff and alumni of the university.
To make the event more meaningful, potential students were able to apply directly for the July 2016 intake by bringing along a copy of their academic result and identity card.

In keeping with the contemporary theme of the event, UTP brought its campus in Seri Iskandar, Perak right to the heart of the city, through a 3D presentation. This virtual tour offered visitors an insight to what the physical campus of UTP is like in the northern state and the opportunities to take tours of the modern and fully-equipped faculty buildings within the 1,000 acre campus. This will be especially beneficial and insightful to those who are looking towards UTP for higher education programmes.

The Meet UTP@Galeri PETRONAS was a fun-filled event with quizzes and info hunt open to visitors with attractive prizes up for grabs.