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​UTP is the 1st university in Malaysia to be accredited under the MyPTP scheme


On 28th October 2021, UTP’s Laboratory Management Department (LMG) was successfully awarded by the Department of Standards Malaysia as one of the accredited Proficiency Testing Provider (PTP) under the national accreditation scheme for ISO/IEC 17043:2010. 

UTP is the 1st university in Malaysia to be accredited under the MyPTP scheme!


The award presentation event took place today at UTP where we witnessed En. Shaharul Sadri Alwi, Director General of Standards Malaysia presented the accreditation certificate to Professor Ts. Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, Vice Chancellor of UTP. 

UTP-LMG-MyPTP-Certificate-2-web.jpg UTP-LMG-MyPTP-Certificate-3-web.jpg

Congratulations to all involved in achieving this success!
Beginning January 2022, LMG will be offering an accredited Proficiency Testing (PT) Programme for water testing (pH, Turbidity, and Total Suspended Solids).
Interested participants are more than welcome to submit their application to the PT Programme Coordinator via email at
