Overview & Aspiration
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) is defined by EOR experts as any method that increases oil production by using techniques or materials that are not part of normal pressure maintenance or waterflooding operations.
The multidisciplinary EOR Mission Oriented Research (MOR) group follows this definition in research carried out by its team members. The main research areas are "Reservoir Rock and Fluid Characterisation for EOR Applications". "Chemically Enhanced EOR", "WAG Injection", "Nano and other nonconventional EOR" and "Thermal EOR".
The team gives priority to enhancement of WAG applications by implementing modified chemicals synthesised from local sources and nanomaterials developed by UTP researchers.
Develop novel EOR methods by 2020 to increase recovery factor to 80% when utilised.
Facilities & Lab Equipment
- Relative Permeability System
- Benchtop Permeability System
- Poroperm
- Formation Damage System
- CO2 Solvent Core Cleaner
- Interfacial Tension Meter
- Helium Porosimeter
- Soxhlet Extractor
- Desaturator
- Hg Capillary System
- Density Meter: Anton Paar's DMA 4500 M
- Falling Film Reactor
Focus Areas
- EOR Screening
- Possible EOR Types
- Lab research and/or Simulation
- Novel EOR Development/Hybrid EOR methods
Head of Centre (COREOR)
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)
32610 Seri Iskandar
Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia
Contact Info:
General Enquiries (for public)
UCampus (for existing students)