On 14th January 2019, UTP signed MoU with Jabatan Pengairan Dan Saliran (JPS). Core to the MoU, ISB members collaborate on two projects with JPS Perak - coastal & mangrove at Tanjung Kepah & Teluk Nipah.
Subsequently, JPS Perak invited Dr Teh Hee Min and Dr Husna Takaijudin from Centre for Urban Resource Sustainability (CUReS) to conduct a short course on ‘Hydraulics for Civil Engineers’ on 25th – 26th April 2019 at JPS Manjung, Perak.
The short course was attended by 33 district engineers and assistant engineers from JPS branches within Perak, specially designed to meet the need of the JPS Perak. A total of four modules were delivered and positive feedbacks received from participants. This is indeed a good platform to enhance the networking with JPS and to showcase UTP capability.
We are very proud with the achievements by our researchers, Dr Teh Hee Min and Dr Husna Takaijudin.