Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia (AJCUI) and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) of Malaysia had organised the Talk Series 2020 with the theme “Navigating to the New Normal: Rethinking the Role of Energy Towards Global Sustainability" from 9th – 18th June 2020. This talk was part of a close collaboration between both the universities, sparked from an initial matching grant partnership, led by Associate Professor Dr Ting Ding Hooi of UTP and Associate Professor Dr Endang Sulistyaningsih of AJCUI as well as a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two universities. The event was officiated through virtual press conference by UTP Vice Chancellor Prof Ts. Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib and Dr Agustinus Prasetyantoko, Rector of AJCUI. The Talk Series 2020 aimed to gather interested parties – industry players, academics, higher institution students, to participate in the current global development in the Global, Regional Economy and Sustainability Practices, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus was on how the pandemic has impacted the sustainability of the Energy Sectors. The collaboration will be followed by another series of activities in research, teaching, and student exchanges.
The speakers were the knowledgeable brains of the two universities with long experience in the field—the top leaders, bright lecturers, real business actors in the energy sector, as well as the policymakers from the two countries of Indonesia and Malaysia. Each talk took 90 minutes divided into three segments through Microsoft Teams. Throughout the Talk Series, 1,483 participants attended across the globe. Talk 1: Overview of the Global and Regional Economy: Economic Changes, Risks and Opportunities 9 June 2020 (Tuesday), 10.30 am (Jakarta time) and 11.30 am (Kuala Lumpur time) Speakers:
Dr Agustinus Prasetyantoko, Rector of AJCUI Prof Ts Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, the Vice-Chancellor of UTP Talk 2: Global Energy Sector Dynamics: Enabling Sustainable Energy Transition 10 June 2020 (Wednesday), 10.00 am (Jakarta time) and 11.00 am (Kuala Lumpur time) Speakers: Dr Luky Yusgiantoro (AJCUI) Assoc Prof Dr Maran Marimuthu (UTP) Talk 3: Energy Financing and Business Performance: The Future of Sustainability Practices 11 June 2020 (Thursday), 10.00 am (Jakarta time) and 11.00 am (Kuala Lumpur time) Speakers: Dr Inka Yusgiantoro (AJCUI)
Assoc Prof Dr Satirenjit Kaur Johl (UTP) Talk 4: Re-engineering Energy Business in Managing Uncertainties 12 June 2020 (Friday), 10.00 am (Jakarta time) and 11.00 am (Kuala Lumpur time) Speakers: Daniel Purba, Senior Vice President of Corporate Strategic Growth PT. Pertamina (Persero), Indonesia Abd Rahim Mahmood, Head of Strategic Research, PETRONAS, Malaysia Talk 5: Energy Use and Investment: Current Responses and Future Policies 18 June 2020 (Thursday), 10.00 am (Jakarta time) and 11.00 am (Kuala Lumpur time) Speakers: Ir FX Sutijastoto, M.A, Director General, Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi, The Ministry of Energy and Mineral, Indonesia Ir Abdul Rahim Ibrahim, Chief Operating Officer, Energy Commission, Malaysia The Talk Series 2020 was a joint initiative by the Institute of Self sustainable Building (ISB) and Center of Social Innovation (CoSI) from UTP together with the Faculty of Economy & Business (FEB) from AJCUI. The collaboration will be followed by another series of activities in research, teaching, and student exchanges.