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IP ​​Policy and Gui​delines

  1. Management of all matters relating to the protection and exploitation of IPs in UTP shall be under the purview of Technology Research Excellence (TREx) of Research, Innovation & Commercialisation (RIC).
  2. The roles and function of this office are:
    • to encourage Employees and Other Person acting on behalf of UTP to disclose new IP arising from Tangible Research Properties and Know-how.
    • to provide support to Employees a​nd Other Person acting on behalf of UTP to protect their ideas and developments, and to advise and execute agreed exploitation strategies.
    • to conduct periodic review of the IP Framework and procedures and monitor the activities on matters relating to the administration of the IP.
    • to determine whether the IP is novel by making an appropriate novelty search with the relevant authorities, either on its own or through an agent.
    • to determine whether the IP should be protected, and the type of protection that should be applied for.
    • to commission Innovation Committee to evaluate potential IP as and when is necessary and to determine the membership of the Innovation Committee.
    • to facilitate the commercialisation of IP and develop mechanisms for the licensing and management of technology.
    • to coordinate the commercialisation of any IP including the partners involved and the funding required, and thereafter, decide on the allocation of the income distribution from the commercialisation.
    • to educate Employees and Other Person acting on behalf of UTP through seminars, workshops and any other means regarding IP and Tangible Research Property;
    • to assist in providing legal support in protecting UTP's interests against third party claims or unauthorised use;
    • to assist the process of IP transfer of ownership back to the Inventor (and vice versa) upon written request.
    • to facilitate the process of IP disposal and abandonment.
    • to provide a process for the resolution of disputes that might arise between UTP, Inventors and third parties with regards to IP.
    • to deal with any other matters related to the administration of IP as and when it arises.

  • Any inquiries​, please submit here​.​

  • ​Refer here​ for any Forms and Guidelines.​​
