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We aim to provide programs that meet the developmental, intellectual, cultural, and social needs of first year students to smooth their transition into university life.

Centre for Student Development offers First Year Experience Programs to keep you on the road of successful transition into university life. Throughout the semester, students will engage with UTP top management, Deans, lecturers, advisors as well as your seniors and peers. Students also will be able to explore opportunities on internship, mobility and exchange, clubs and societies, sports, arts & culture, leadership and many more.


Why FYE is important?

  • Seamless Transition

    Familiarize with the campus, environment, academic learning culture and support services resources

  • Discover passion

    Platform for students to explore and discover   identity in developing sense of purpose and direction.

  • Connect to UTP community

    Launching point that connects with community involvement to feel attached and at home in new environment.


FYE Events & Programs

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UTP O'Week (Orientation Week) | A four to five days program for new intake which provides various interactive sessions that allow them to meet their fellow peers, seniors and UTP community.


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 Oath Taking Ceremony | New students take their oath, witnessed by UTP management and complete their orientation.


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Academic Engagement Session | Exploration on academic journey and get connect with the faculty.


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CSD Teh Tarik Session | Introducing offerings by the division and UTP achievement on student development.


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Campus Tour | Exposure on UTP campus and its surrounding.


FYE Buddy

At UTP, we are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive environment for our students along with to develop a sense of belonging.

To support that, FYE offers Buddy system scheme to all new students in UTP to help them:

  • Familiarise in UTP community
  • Engage in social activities and meet other students
  • Build inner network with seniors

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UTP O'WEEK will provide the opportunity for students to learn, to grow, to discover who you are, and how you want to make a difference in UTP.

The O'Week modules will provide practical and valuable information on guidelines, programmes and services that are available on campus in promoting a conducive environment for your education and development.

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O'Week will also provide various interactive sessions that allows you to meet your fellow peers, seniors, lecturers, and the administrative staff who will be on hand to assist you through your exciting journey.

At UTP, we are one big family who are devoted in welcoming all of you on board.

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Undergraduate & Foundation Student

O'Week January 2022 will be conducted online and the link to join your online orientation is available in the Virtual O'Week info pack which will be given through email.



  1. Ensure you have completed Course Registration
  2. Ensure you can access your UTP email
  3. Become familiar with ULearn (UTP e-learning platform
  4. Join your batch Telegram Group (for UG & Foundation ONLY). 


Connect with Us

Pn Anies Farahin Binti Abdul Rahman

Senior Executive

First Year Experience, Centre for Student Development | 05-3688618


Pn Nurnaterah Bt Husin

Senior Assistance

First Year Executive, Centre for Student Development | 05-3688410