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UTP Solar Rooftop Photo​​​​​​

​​ Energy​​

Renewable Energy Utilisation - Solar PV Rooftop Panel

UTP, in collaboration with Gentari has successfully installed a 7.4MWp Solar PV Rooftop Panel, th​e largest single solar rooftop in Malaysia.​ This grid-connected solar PV system operates under the Net Energy Metering (NEM 2.0) Scheme and comprises 13,829 solar PV modules, covering an area of 38,168 square meters on our rooftops.

Since its deployment beginning May 2022, the photovoltaic solar power system has generated more than 26GWh of clean electricity[1] and is expected to fulfil 26% of UTP's total electricity demand, exemplifying our commitment in supporting PETRONAS NZCE 2050​.

[1] As at 5 November 2024

Increasing Energy Efficiency

UTP is committed to ensure continuous implementation and improvement of energy performance. It aims to minimise the impact of operations on the environment by effic​ient and economical utilisation of energy in UTP. Alongside with the Efficient Energy Management Policy...
Click here to learn more about Efficient Energy Management Policy in UTP.

Green Electricity Tariff

GETGreen Electricity Tariff (GET), is a Government initiative to provide the option of green electricity coming from renewable energy supply to any electricity consumer to reduce their carbon footprint. ​ This GET program is a part of the nation's initiati​ves to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by the year 2050. UTP has successfully subscribed to the Government’s Green Electricity Tariff (G​​ET) initiative, started in February 2023, for 8,016,000 kWh/ye​ar of electricity generated from renewable energy sources and 5,715 tonnes of CO2 emission reduction equivalent. UTP received a certification of Malaysia Renewable Energy Certificate (mREC) for this subscription​.
Click here to learn more about GET.

​​ Water

Recycled water irrigation system

Irrigation plays a crucial role in conserving water for landscape watering. The campus irrigation system comprises four submersible pumps, a control panel, a solenoid valve, and a ne​twork of distribution piping. This sys​tem has been in operation for the past 17 years, resulting in a daily water saving of 1280m3. Recently, we have completed an upgrade of the irrigation system by replacing one pump unit with a new, energy-efficient pump. Furthermore, the upgrade has enhanced the control system by implementing Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology to further reduce energy consumption.

Groundwater Tubewell Project

Water management will encounter significant challenges in the upcoming decades due to the rising demand for water and the necessity to adapt to climate change while mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. One solution to reduce reliance on traditional domestic water sources is the Tubewell project. In line with this, UTP effectively implemented a groundwater tube well project in 2022, resulting in a consistent water flow of 80m3/day and a reduction of 28kg CO2e/day in CO2 emissions. The groundwater is currently utilised for irrigation and has the potential to benefit toilet usage as well.

​​ Waste


Source Segregation for Effective Recycling

Source segregation for effective recycling involves separating waste materials at the point of disposal into distinct categories, such as paper, plastics, metals, and organic waste. We have deployed 3R bins throughout the campus to ensure convenient access for students, staff, and visitors in disposing their waste accordingly.


Phased out single-use plastics (SUP) in campus

UTP eliminated the use of single-use plastics (SUP) in all campus food services, including student events and activities, as part of our commitment to sustainability. In 2024, UTP eliminate 15 000 plastic water bottles purchased for UTP official events

"Bring Your Own" campaign

Launched ‘Bring Your Own’ campaign encouraging students and staff to bring their own food and drink containers, promoting a culture of reusability. To support this initiative, 144 water refill stations have been installed through-out the campus.

​​ Mobility


Expansion of pedestrian​ paths and covered walkways aro​​und campus

As part of our strategy to embrace green mobility and promote a sustainable lifestyle, UTP is actively enhancing the quality and accessibility of campus walkways to encourage walking on campus. Measures have been implem​ented to increase the connectivity of p​edestrian paths from residential villages, parking areas to academic blocks including the expansion of covered walkways around the campus, spanning a total of 1.7 kilometers.


EV Chargers

Taking into consideration the growing demand for Energy Efficient Vehicles (EEVs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs), our campus is equipped with EV charging facility for the convenience of our visitors, staffs and students. The EV charging facility is integrated within the Setel app to ensure a seamless charging experience.


Designation of Micromobility Lanes

Micromobility refers to a range of small, lightweight vehicles operating at speeds typically below 25 km/h (15 mph) and driven by users personally. Micromobility devices include bicycles, e-bikes, electric scooters, electric skateboards, shared bicycle fleets, and electric pedal assisted bicycles.

At UTP, we encourage our students to partake in micromobility around the campus to reduce carbon emissions. To minimise risks and accidents, we have designated micromobility lanes to ensure their safety and other pedestrians as well.

​​​ Greenery​


Tree Planting Programme - Sentuhan Alam

UTP, in collaboration with Yayasan PETRONAS recently launched a tree planting programme at the university campus, under the Sentuhan Alam initiative. A total of 550 trees from various native species were planted under this programme.


Tree Planting Programme - Yayasan TM Campaign

UTP has supported Yayasan TM tree planting programme at the university campus for The Largest Gutta Percha Tree-Planting Event in 24 hours, a Malaysia Book of Records certified campaign in conjunction with World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2022.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​