UTP was recently awarded Bronze by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) EcoCampus WWF (World-Wide Fund for Nature) Malaysia for addressing environmental issues through implementing the Skip the Straw initiative on campus.

The Skip the Straw initiative was initiated by a student-led committee called UTP Eco Project. Launched February last year, the initiative saw the campus community – staff, students and canteen operators, come together to voice their support against the use of single-use plastics in campus to protect the environment.
The initiative was supported by UTP's Institute for Self-Sustainable Building and the Centre for Social Transformation for Sustainable Lifestyles, in collaboration with the National FFE Eco-Campus WWF-Malaysia. The Institute leads research and innovation in green and clean technologies for buildings, in the areas of energy, materials, water and waste and their impacts on social and community well-being. It seeks innovation, discoveries and practices in buildings and communities, with the least environmental impact, while making it affordable and efficient.

Other collaborators for the Skip the Straw initiative were UTP Centre for Student Services, UTP Residential Village, UTP Health, Safety, Security and Environment, UTP Property Management and Maintenance and UTP Student Representative Council.
The FEE EcoCampus is an award programme that provides a framework to guide higher education institutions on their sustainable journey and model sustainability as an integral part of campus life while involving staff and students by empowering them to become forward thinkers and lead the way towards sustainable development.
Next, UTP will apply for the Silver Award and finally the Green Flag, an internationally acknowledged symbol for environmental excellence.