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Malaysia Self-Regulation Programme: Engagement with Encik Mohd Anuar Embi, Deputy Director General, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia, Self-Regulation Programme Director
On 26 February 2021

Encik Mohd Anuar Embi, Deputy Director General, Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia, Self-Regulation Programme Director was received by the Vice Chancellor, Prof Ts. Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib on last Friday, 26 February 2021 at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP).

Engagement with Encik Mohd Anuar Embi-DOSH-website-2.jpeg 

The objective of the meeting is to explore the key areas of collaboration between DOSH and UTP, particularly on Self-Regulation programmes.

Engagement with Encik Mohd Anuar Embi-DOSH-website-1.jpeg     

Encik Mohd Anuar Embi was accompanied by Ir Che Wan Ibrahim Che Wan Sudin, Head Self-Regulation Department (SRD), Group Health, Safety, Security and Environment (GHSSE), Self-Regulation Programme Manager, Encik Fadzley Izwan Abd Manaf, Manager Assurance Technical, SRD, GHSSE, Self-Regulation Taskforce Member and Encik Anuar Ibrahim, Head Occupational Safety & Health, SRD, GHSSE, Self-Regulation Taskforce Member.

Engagement with Encik Mohd Anuar Embi-DOSH-website-3.jpeg 

The Vice President of PETRONAS GHSSE, DOSH & PETRONAS Self-Regulation Programme (Champion), Encik Dzafri Sham Ahmad, joined the meeting session virtually.

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