As part of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP)'s efforts to propagate digitalisation and analytics to the industries, UTP is prospecting to collaborate with Government Linked Companies (GLC) in Malaysia especially Tabung Haji (TH).
Moving forward, UTP is also looking at establishing an MoU with TH, and this will be the first among GLC and Government Linked Universities (GLU) to support and uphold the aspiration of the Government of Malaysia (GOM). UTP is looking forward to work closely with Tabung Haji (TH) on a medium to long-term basis.
To kick start this collaboration, UTP has been trusted to deliver a Big Data Analytics professional course and a virtual opening session with TH has taken place on 22 March 2021. The VIPs gracing the occasion are:
1. Professor Ts Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib,
Vice Chancellor, UTP
2. Prof Ir Dr Mohd Shahir Liew,
Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Commercialisation, UTP
3. Tuan Haji Mustakim bin Mohamad (Officiator)
Pengarah Eksekutif (Operasi), Jabatan Khidmat Pendeposit dan Operasi, TH
4. Tuan Haji Shamsul Kamal bin Hussein Kamal
Ketua Pegawai Teknologi, Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat, TH
5. Puan Rina Sharif
Ketua Pegawai Modal Insan, TH