Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) has maintained its position at the 601-800 band in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2019, retaining its position in the top 2% globally.
The university scores the highest for the research domain in Malaysia, the second highest in the industry income and international outlook as well as the third highest in Citation.
Out of the five (5) domains, UTP makes significant improvements in Research (from 23.4% to 30.7%) and Citation (from 16.1% to 26.7%). There are also increment of scores in Teaching (22.4% to 25.2%) and International Outlook (63.6% to 64.9%).
THE World University Rankings performance indicators are grouped into five areas namely Teaching (30%), Research (30%), Citations (30%), International Outlook (7.5%) and Industry income (2.5%).
Out of approximately 26,000 higher learning institutions worldwide, the THE World University Rankings 2019 includes more than 1,250 top universities.
With its strong standing in both the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and THE World Rankings, UTP proves to be a world class university in providing quality graduates and research outputs.