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UTP bagged 16 awards in MTE 2022!
On 01 April 2022
​​We are pleased to announce that UTP has bagged a total of 16 awards which consists of 1 Special Award, 8 Gold Medals & 7 Silver Medals in recently concluded Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2022 held virtually from 21st to 25th March 2022.

An exemplary achievement for all 15 competing homegrown technologies, where all of them (100%) have been awarded with Silver medals and above!
UTP-MTE 2022.png
*Kindly visit TTO UTP Youtube Channel for more details on the innovations

For your information, MTE is an established International Invention and Innovation Competition circuit and it has been an effective platform to showcase our innovations to private sector and investors for commercialization. Further, the event is recognized by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) as part of overall evaluation and contribution to Malaysia's Teaching, Learning & Research excellence (MyRA and SETARA).


On behalf of Technology Transfer Office, we would like to thank Executive Management Committee (EMC) members, Innovation Committee (IC) members, Directors & Executives of Research Institute, UTP COVID Response Team (CRT) and Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETaL) for continuous leadership and support.


Congratulations to all!​


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