UTP students were recognised for their all-around outstanding accomplishments in sports, visual arts, performing arts and proactive contributions in various social events at the Student Excellence Appreciation (SEA) Award 2021.
The students’ accomplishment not only demonstrate their excellence in academic but also values and mindsets to become responsible global citizens.
The SEA Award 2021 also acknowledged the advisor’s roles in shaping the club or society.
Among the students and club/society recognised this year were:
Vice Chancellor Award
UTP Athlete of the Year (Male) Award: Amirshah Mohamad Shahrizad,
UTP Athlete of the Year (Female) Award: Ira Elisa Lajium,
UTP Event of the Year (Club/Society) Award: Kita Jaga Kita - We Are All In This Together
UTP Event of the Year (Open) Award: Mind Care 2021
UTP Best Community Outreach Program (Open) Award: Go Nature Campaign 3.0
UTP Special Jury Award: Chemsport 2022
UTP People's Choice Award: UTP Media & Technology Club
UTP Best Club/Society Award – Advisor Award: Norkamar Faridatul Salwa Kamarudin
Deputy Vice Chancellor Award
Leadership Award – Sports: Muhammad Adam Syahmi Restu (E-UTP Sports 2021)
Leadership Award - Arts & Culture: Muhammad Afif Fikri Mohamed Zambri (E-UTP Sports 2021)
Centre of Student Development Award
Outstanding Club/Society Award: Martial Arts - Pencak Silat UTP
Outstanding Club/Society Award: Academics - Society of Petroleum Engineers UTP
Outstanding Club/Society Award: Heritage, Arts and Culture - UTP Chinese Cultural Club
UTP Deputy Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Professor Ts. Dr Nor Hisham Hamid officiated the event. UTP Vice Chancellor Professor Ts. Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib also graced the event through a recorded congratulatory message.