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Menggapai Impian Yayasan Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (YUTP) School Kits Giving Campaign
On 27 December 2018

44 children from Pertubuhan Badan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Yatim, Darussalam Ipoh received their school kits from UTP Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib during the Menggapai Impian Yayasan Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (YUTP) School Kits Giving Campaign held on 27 December 2018. 


These children are among the 744 recipients of the school kits this year.  They are of different race and background, and are from 35 orphanages, welfare homes, shelters and schools in Batu Gajah, Ipoh, Sungai Siput and Perak Tengah.  Other recipients include the children of UTP janitors and security personnel.


The distribution of the school kits had started since last month to 100 students from 10 schools in Perak Tengah district.  Each school kit consists of a school bag, a stationery set and a gift voucher. 


The Menggapai Impian Yayasan YUTP School Kits Giving Campaign is part of UTP's University Social Responsibility (USR) programme to ease the financial burden of low-income families from the surrounding areas by equipping their children with school kits.   

The campaign is also a means for the university's staff to give back to those in need and foster the spirit of sharing. 


Since its launch in 2007, more than 1,500 students from orphanages, welfare homes, shelters and schools have benefitted from Menggapai Impian. 


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all UTP and PETRONAS staff all over the world who had contributed more than RM100,000 for this campaign.  Your donation means a lot to these children as it will motivate them to learn and give them a chance at a better future.

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