Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, encourages its students to participate in international internship, mobility, and research attachment programmes. Keeping the same thought, Engr. Ghulam E Mustafa Abro, a Postgraduate student, has been supported to join Telecom SudParis, France, one of the affiliated engineering schools with Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France (World's Top 50 QS Ranked Engineering University), for three months of research attachment where he elevated the UTP flag with his research abilities.

Mr. Abro is from Larkana, a rural area of Sindh, Pakistan, and is currently pursuing a PhD in the department of electrical and electronic engineering at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS in Malaysia. He has always believed in the value of hard work. Thus, Mr. Abro has performed phenomenal research activities during his research attachment, such as participating in technical courses and publishing the jointly performed research work. Mr. Abro has made a significant contribution this time, as his collaborative research work with collaborators from Telecom SudParis, France, Usman Institute of Technology Pakistan, and NCRA-Condition Monitoring Systems Lab has been accepted for publication in MDPI Drones, a Q1 SCI Indexed Journal with an impact factor of 5.532. This study is titled "Comprehensive Review of UAV Detection, Security, and Communication Advancements to Prevent Threats." This is Mr. Abro's second accepted joint research work for the publication. The previous one was published as an IEEE International Conference Paper with Prof. Patrick Horain and Ms. Juliana Demorie. Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, recognizes his efforts in completing the three-month research attachment programme and setting a new standard for all postgraduate students seeking research mobility opportunities. We wish him a prosperous future ahead!