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UTP Wins First Runner Up At National Energy Awards 2022
On 15 September 2022
UTP Chancellor Complex_1.jpg 

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) has emerged as the first runner up for the Special Awards in the National Energy Awards (NEA) 2022 under the Institute of Higher Learning category. 

Spearheaded by UTP Low Carbon Campus (LCC) Taskforce, this is UTP’s inaugural win for this prestigious award, recognising the university’s effort in reducing the intensity of total carbon emission at campus. The Taskforce targets best practices in five areas - energy efficiency, mobility, water, waste and greenery (forest and landscape). UTP’s dedicated effort in holistic LCC management has been proven effective as the university’s carbon emission has continually reduced throughout the past years.

Organised by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA), NEA provides an important platform to provide recognition to Malaysia’s industry leaders in the growing green technology related products, services and energy service sectors for adopting and implementing sustainable energy practices.

Established in 2018, the NEA is part of the Government’s strategic efforts to expand the public acceptance and industry participation in the energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies sectors. 

The award acknowledges forward-thinking sustainable concepts and practices in four categories.  The first three categories are Energy Management, Energy-Efficient Building and Renewable Energy.

The fourth category are special awards that recognise the efforts of institutions, namely Institute of Higher Learning, Energy Performance Contractors and Sustainable Energy Financing, in raising awareness and for encouraging the adoption on sustainable practices. 

UTP aspires to be a leader in LCC. As an institution that focuses on engineering, science and technology, UTP will leverage on its talents, technologies and resources to reduce carbon emission on campus by 2030.

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