Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology France (Arts et Métiers) for the establishment of the French-Malaysian Institute for the Industry of the Future.
The signing of the MoU marks a significant milestone for UTP as it becomes the first Malaysian university to establish such institute.
At the event, UTP was represented by its Vice Chancellor Professor Ts Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, while Arts et Métiers was represented by its President Professor Laurent Champaney.
The signing was witnessed by Embassy of France in Malaysia Counsellor for Cooperation and Cultural Affairs Emmanuelle Marchand.
Also present at the event were Economic Counsellor Embassy of France in Malaysia Michel Cywinski, Delegates from Ministry of Higher Education and Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) as well as members of the French Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Arts et Métiers Alumni Association in Malaysia.
According to Professor Mohamed Ibrahim, the MoU is a testament of UTP’s commitment to fostering a world-class research, teaching environment and student experience that supports its goal to become a sustainable global prominent institution.
“The university is appreciative of all its partners and their unwavering support. We are committed to delivering excellence in academic and research through strategic collaboration with partners across the world, particularly in areas of mutual interest. And we will also resume our efforts in providing the best support in facilitating students' learning experience and producing high quality and global ready graduates,” Professor Mohamed Ibrahim said.