Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) and Epic Tips Global (M) Sdn Bhd have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to build stronger academic reputations between both institutions by offering high quality training programmes that meet the market needs.
At the signing, UTP was represented by its Vice Chancellor Professor Ts. Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, while Epic Tips Global (M) Sdn Bhd was represented by its Managing Director Hazizah Haji Awang.
The MoU will see UTP and Epic Tips Global (M) Sdn Bhd cooperate in terms of promoting academic collaboration particularly in the areas of professional short courses and competency development programmes under UTP Centre for Advanced and Professional Education (CAPE).
Both organisations will leverage on each other’s strengths – CAPE for its experience in delivering high-quality professional education and training while Epic Tips Global (M) Sdn Bhd for its expertise in marketing.
Through this partnership, UTP and Epic Tips Global (M) Sdn Bhd will roll out the one-year Petrophysical Immersive Programme this year. Both institutions will also explore the possibility of offering potential candidates who have obtained industry experience to pursue MSc in Petroleum Geoscience and MSc in Petroleum Engineering programmes at UTP. This will provide more pathways for joint supervision for master’s degree by coursework dissertation, leading to joint research and publications.