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Celebration of Academic Achievement: The 24th Foundation Studies Completion Ceremony
On 02 October 2024
24th Foundation Studies Completion Ceremony (FSCC).jpeg 24th Foundation Studies Completion Ceremony (FSCC)  2.jpeg 

The 24th Foundation Studies Completion Ceremony (FSCC) was held on 20th September 2024 at Chancellor Hall, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), celebrating the achievements of around 850 foundation students from UTP and GMI.

A special thank you to the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, the CEO of GMI, and other distinguished guests for their esteemed presence at the event.

The highlight of the ceremony was the award and certificate presentation, where several outstanding students were recognised for their exceptional performance. Among the awards presented were the Student Excellence Award, CFS Dean’s Award, and special recognitions for leadership and talent.

The event was a success, honouring the dedication and achievements of the foundation students and marking a significant milestone in their academic journey.

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