Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) honoured and recognised its employees for their contributions and unwavering support towards the University at the Employee Recognition Day 2019.
It was graced by YBhg Datuk Ahmad Nizam Salleh Chairman of PETRONAS and Pro Chancellor of UTP. The event was also attended by UTP Vice Chancellor Professor Dr Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, UTP Executive Management Committee and Senate members and staff.
The event kicked off with the presentation of Quality Awards to staff who made significant contributions to UTP in various academic and non-academic fields. They had also continuously shown their commitment and enthusiasm in embracing and practicing the highest quality culture at the workplace.
47 awards were presented to 38 recipients. Among the recipients were Prof Dr Nasir Shafiq who earned UTP Academic of the Year, Associate Prof Dr Noreen Izza Arshad who received the Potential Academic of the Year while Registry was named as the Outstanding Department.

Other awards included Creativity and Arts, Employee Recognition, Outstanding Support Staff, Business Process Improvement, Publication (Journal), Teaching & Learning, Outstanding Research Institute, Outstanding Centre of Excellence, Outstanding Researcher, Product Innovation and Product Commercialisation.
Meanwhile, 94 retirees and long service staff were also recognised for their hard work, dedication and loyalty. They consisted of 12 retirees and staff who had served the university for 10 years (25 recipients), 15 years (30 recipients) and 20 years (27 recipients).
With the staff's contribution and undivided support towards the university, UTP has achieved notable accomplishments which include Top 100 in both QS and THE Asia University Rankings 2019.

For the complete list of Quality Award and Long Service Awards Recipients, you may
download here.