Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) recently participated in two innovation and technology exhibitions in Sarawak and took home multiple awards.
UTP's accomplishments in both exhibitions are significant steps to take the university closer to its goal of becoming an internationally-recognised research university. These events provided numerous opportunities and pathways for UTP inventors to not only introduce their innovative inventions but also source for investors and other avenues for further research and development as well as commercialisation.
In Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (Unimas) Innovation and Technology Exposition (InTex 2019), UTP won medals for all its 12 inventions, with seven gold and five silver medals.
In addition, the university bagged the Best Product for Information, Communication and Technology Cluster and InTEX 2019 Best Overall Product for Associate Professor Dr Lau Kok Keong's invention, Hollow Fibre Membrane Prediction Program. His invention also contributed a gold medal.
The other six gold medal recipients were Professor Ir Dr Shahir Liew for his invention Poseidon, Professor Dr Azmi Mohd Shariff for his Process Safety Information Management System (PSI4MS), Associate Professor Dr Tang Tong Boon for his Brain-Navi,
Associate Professor Dr Zahiraniza Mustaffa for her Pipeline Reliability and Integrity Assessment (PRIA), Associate Professor Dr Mohd Haris Md Khir for his Insigne and finally Associate Professor Dr Ismail M Saaid for his Smart Permeability Modifier.

Meanwhile, the five silver medals were awarded to Professor Dr Azmi Mohd Shariff's invention PC-GLY: An Eco-Friendly Solvent for CO2 Capture, Prof Dr Shamsul Rahman M Kutty's invention Integrated Suspended Growth Bio-Reactor (I-SGBR) and Associate Professor Dr Zahiraniza Mustaffa's invention Flood Level Monitor for Low-Lying Area (FLO-LOW), Associate Professor Ir Dr Hisham Mohamad for his Smart Geopipe and Associate Professor Dr Ahmad Kamil Mahmood for his Rescue-I.
Held on 24 and 25 July, Intex 2019 showcased 240 products and inventions and was participated by universities and industry players throughout the country.
As for the Sarawak Innovation and Technology Exhibition (Saintex) 2019 which was held on 26 and 27 July, two UTP inventions Curbvious by Associate Professor Dr Zahiraniza Mustaffa and Insigne by Associate Professor Dr Mohd Haris Md Khir won the first and second place respectively in the Product Category.
Saintex was organised by University College of Technology Sarawak and aimed to inculcate in youths the culture of and interest in creativity and innovation.