Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) triumphed over Universiti Malaya (UM) to emerge champion in the inaugural Chief Commissioner Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's (MACC) Inter-University Anti-Corruption Debate Competition 2019.
The event was organised by MACC, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Majlis Debat Universiti Malaysia (MADUM).
32 debate teams from 24 universities and learning institutions participated in the competition, which ran from 23 – 26 August at UPM.
UTP debaters comprising Mohamad Mustqakim Mohd Razali (Mechanical Engineering student), Ariff Hakimi Chik (Business Information Systems student), Mohd Azlie Sham Alimin (Chemical Engineering student) and Sabri Nawi Samba Zawawi (Mechanical Engineering student) walked away with cash prizes of RM1,500 and trophies.

In the final showdown, they successfully opposed the motion "Preventive Action is More Effective Than Punitive Towards a Clean Malaysia (Tindakan Pencegahan Lebih Efektif Daripada Punitif ke Arah Malaysia Bersih).
The prizes were presented by MACC Deputy Chief Commissioner YBhg Dato' Shamshun Baharin Mohd Jamil.
Speaking on behalf of his team, Mohd Azlie Sham said that he is proud of the team's achievement.
"I am honoured to represent UTP and extremely proud of our team's achievement. Despite facing strong opponents from the likes of Universiti Malaya, International Islamic University Malaysia and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, we managed to maintain our momentum, focus on each round and finally winning the competition," he said.
The UTP Malay Debate team was established in 2005 with Muhammad Luqman Hasan and Aminur Rashid M Shariai as the advisors.
Some of the team's notable achievements included 1st Runner Up Debat Piala Orator Kolej Kediaman Tun Fuad Universiti Malaysia Sabah 2019, Champion Debat Piala Orator Kolej Kediaman Tun Fuad Universiti Malaysia Sabah 2018, 1st Runner Up Pertandingan Debat Piala Menteri Besar Selangor 2018, Champion 20th Intervarsity Astar Debate Open Championship 2017 and Champion Intervarsity Iqra' Debate Open Championship 2017.