Students of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Agama Kerian Tahfiz Model Ulul Albab (SMKA Kerian TMUA) will be able to enjoy and enhance their learning experience in the classroom, thanks to a generous contribution from 15 Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) Mechanical Engineering Programme students.
The school recently received a 50-inch smart TV as part of a project called Educate to Elevate (E2E). The project's objective was to help and support the school achieve its mission to develop its very own 21st Century Learning or Pembelajaran Abad ke 21 (PAK21) in the classroom.
The PAK21 refers to the Ministry of Education's initiative to expose students to the latest technology in the classroom in line with the rapidly changing digital world.
"With a technology-enhanced classroom environment, it makes the learning more interesting, creative and fun. This will certainly benefit the school's students, especially Form Five, preparing for their SPM examination," said E2E project leader, Engku Salman Engku Zakir Hussein
Afterwards, the E2E members also organised activities with 80 Form Five students. The members shared important information on study pathways after SPM and their experiences on the transition from school to university.
UTP Zakat and Waqaf Management Office Director Mohamed Noor Rosli Baharom also gave briefings on financial assistance available at UTP in the form of zakat and waqf.
Finally, the project members carried out a mock interview in order to help the students to understand what was expected in a real UTP admission and scholarship interviews.
The E2E members also contributed two solar-powered floodlights that were installed at the school's assembly area. With the floodlights, the area is now brightly lit, and the school will be able to reduce the costs of its electricity bills.
Engku Salman hoped that all the activities conducted throughout the two-day had created a positive impact to the school and students.
"Through this initiative, we hope it will be able to facilitate the exposure to information technology among students and witness a more outstanding academic performance," he said.
The E2E project was under the supervision of UTP lecturers namely Haryanni Harun,
Associate Professor Dr Ahmad Shahrul Nizam Isha (Management and Humanities Department) and
Dr Jundika Candra Kurnia (Mechanical Engineering Department).
The project is part of the General Studies or Matapelajaran Umum (MPU) 4 national requirement prescribed by the Ministry of Education. The course is designed to ensure that students acquire some basic elements to be applied in a community engagement project to support students' development. The social and value emphasis on this community-based project is in line with UTP's mission to produce well-rounded graduates with a broad-minded, balanced and holistic view.