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​STEM with UTP

_DSC3036-1.jpgThe current teaching methodologies in closed classrooms lack motivational elements and are often exam oriented. Hence, the targeted students have failed to see the relevance or the purpose of education for their future. By taking this into a serious consideration, SK Pengkalan Baharu has taken an initiative to co-jointly organise with UTP a one-day event for STEM through the introduction of gamification such as hands on, team building, and communication activities. This will motivate students to have a positive insight on the importance of education and their future career. The negative perception especially for Science and Mathematics subjects would also be enlightened. UTP believes by integrating essential soft skills and STEM in young generations would bring our nation closer to the realisation of the goal to establish a scientific and innovative society. About 180 students participated in this programme, held on 3 October 2018.