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YUTP UG Scholarship Award 2017

Four deserving recipients of 2017 YUTP UG scholarship awards to pursue foundation and undergraduate studies at UTP were approved by the Board of Trustees on 10th March 2017. Currently, total number of active YUTP UG scholars is 34 students including 2017 scholars as per listed below:


Name Course State
1 Eastty Joimi Chemical Engineering Sabah
2 Siti Nurfarahin Binti Lapirin Civil Engineering Sabah
3 Mohd Faizadmesa Bin Alim Applied Chemistry Melaka
4 Mubarak Bin Muhammad Taufik Chemical Engineering Selangor
5 Muhammad Nadzhir Bin Jalil Mechanical Engineering Selangor
6 The Men Qi Chemical Engineering Perak


YUTP PG Scholarship Award 2017


The Board of Trustees endorsed 4 scholars to undergo UTP Post Graduate programme of Master and PhD studies by research method. These scholars are bonded with UTP once graduated. The 4 candidates are eligible for 2017 awards (as below) after thorough screening and selection process in addition to existing scholars of the same award recipients. 


1 Afiq Bin Mohd Laziz PhD in Chemical Engineering
2 Anisah Anuar PhD in Petroleum Geoscience
3 Nurfatihah Syalwiah Binti Rosli
PhD in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
4 Feng Ying Xing PhD in Electrical & Electronics Engineering


YUTP Companies Scholarship 2017 


YUTP and companies have come into agreement of setting up Education Fund to offer scholarship to UTP students. The companies provide financial support to the scholars, whom will also be the companies’ future employees upon graduation. For 2017, Technip Geo-Production Sdn Bhd has selected another 3 UTP students to be part of the programme in addition to 13 existing Technip scholars while Murata Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd has selected one more scholar in addition to 1 existing scholar as in the table below: 


Technip Geo-Production Sdn Bhd       


Course State
1 Cheah Yuen Hung Mechanical Engineering Perak
2 Thenamuthan A/L Sankar Chemical Engineering Perak
3 Sabrina Binti Zain El Byttee Mechanical Engineering Selangor


Murata Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd 


Name Course State
1 Wong Yoong Shen Chemical Engineering Perak


Yayasan UTP (YUTP)-Yayasan Peneraju Pendidikan Bumiputera (YPPB) Joint Scholarship Programme 


YUTP and YPPB have come into agreement of setting up Joint Education Fund to offer scholarship to 20 UTP students each year for 5 years from 2017 until 2021. In 2017, 20 UTP students were awarded with YPPB & YUTP scholarship. YPPB & YUTP contributed 80% & 20% of cost sharing to this education fund respectively. 


Name Course State
1 Anastasia Binti Raimun Chemical Engineering Sabah
2 Chrsitiney Riah Anak Gaun Mechanical Engineering Sarawak
3 Mohamad Hafizuddin Bin Abdullah Chemical Engineering Kelantan
4 Mohamad Syafik Bin Mat Rodzi Mechanical Engineering Kelantan
5 Muhammad Dini Bin Zainuddin Chemical Engineering Terengganu
6 Muhammad Fareez Bin Aziding Mechanical Engineering Selangor
7 Nur Elmi Najmuddin Bin Khairul Anuar Petroleum Geoscience Pahang
8 Nur Izzati Nazira Binti Misran Chemical Engineering Johor
9 Nur Zahirah Binti Kamaludin Chemical Engineering Johor
10 Nurul Nizzam Bin Zamri Petroleum Engineering Selangor
11 Putera Mustaqim Bin Mustafa Mechanical Engineering Negeri Sembilan
12 Raja Muhammad Firdaus Bin Raja Azdi Chemical Engineering Selangor
13 Mohamad Fahrulradzi Bin Mohd Fadir Mechanical Enginering Johor
14 Muhamad Tariq Ziad Bin Mat Rejab Chemical Engineering Pulau Pinang
15 Muhammad Eizzat Hakiem Bin Ahmad Shaupi Mechanical Engineering Perak
16 Nuratirah Binti Abu Hassan Mechanical Engineering Perak
17 Nur Fathiah Binti Zolkifli Chemical engineering Johor
18 Nur Alia Nadhirah Binti Alias Petroleum Geoscience Terengganu
19 Nur Najwa Fakhira Binti Abdul Rashid Chemical Engineering Melaka
20 Shahrulniza Bin Sabran Chemical Engineering Perak

Student Support Fund 2017 (Bursary) 


The student support fund award is a once-off financial assistance to eligible students; given in the form of subsistence of one semester tuition fees. Candidate is screened and ranked according to the approved guideline by Yayasan UTP Board of Trustees. 

Yayasan UTP has disbursed a total amount of RM 984,594 to 156 students under this student support fund award via Bursary or Student Financial Assistance Scheme (SFAS) on semester basis of 2017 as below: 


​Student Support Fund
​No. of Students
Amount (RM)​
-​ 1,600,000.00​
​Bursary November 2016
​ExxonMobil Funds
Bursary January 2017​
​Bursary March 2017
​SFAS March 2016
​Bursary May 2017
33​ ​237,051.00
​Bursary July 2017
19​ ​91,428.00
​Total Disbursed
156​ ​984,594.00
​Balance c/f


Student Development Activities


UTP has been producing well-rounded graduates who are well received by the industry. Every year, 90% of the graduates are employed within 6 months after graduation. This well rounded attribute is garnered through various sources and activities including leadership training, sports and arts activities; and career placement and entrepreneurship programmes. Yayasan UTP recognized the need of supporting this activities by establishing Student Development Activities (SDA) Fund as per stated in its trust deeds as follows:  




Event Name Amount Disbursed (RM)
SIEMENS Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Training 29,680.00
79th EAGE Paris Conference & Exhibition 2,900.00
EAGE Field Challenge 2017 6,000.00
Geoscience Exhibition & Competition 2017 8,425.00
International Academic Visit & CSR on Sustainability 8,100.00
Petrobowl Asia Pacific Regional Qualifiers 2017 10,000.00
Asean Student Forum 2017 30,000.00
Industrial Visit to PETRONAS Penapisan Melaka 2,438.00
Asia Youth International Model United Nation 282.60
International Educational Visit on Industrial 4.0 in Tokyo Japan 4,500.00
13th Global Student Forum 2017 8,000.00
International Advanced Robotic Competition 2017 20,000.00



Event Name Amount Disbursed (RM)
Technology, Education & Career 2017 (TEC 2017) 23,000.00
Pertandingan Pidato Antara IPT 16,420.00
TEDxUTP 2017 6,744.00
ConvoFest 2017 8,780.00
Corporate Career Exposure 23,900.00
Regional Conference on Student Activism (RECONSA) 2017 10,000.00
National Intervarsity Debating Championship 2017 9,000.00




Event Name Amount Disbursed (RM)
Residential College Mesra Outreach (RECMO) 15 4,300.00
Candle Light of Hope 2,530.00
Mahasiswa Prihatin for You 1,090.00
Reaching You 2,000.00
Cancer Awareness Carnival 3,000.00
Discovering Genius Geologists 2,713.00
Go Brown Movement 1,830.00
Smartkampung Maker Workshop and Competition 2,360.00
Throw & Grow Project 960.00
We4Tronoh 2,500.00
XYZ Bond Social Engagement 734.00
National Go Nature Campaign 19,000.00

Arts & Culture


Event Name Amount Disbursed (RM)
International Cultural Night 2017 (ICN 2017) 8,000.00
Red Sonata Fiesta 2017 11,000.00
Euphonius 2017 6,000.00
Festival of Colours (FESCO) 2017 15,000.00
Ensemble of Gamelan (EoG) 2017 5,500.00
UTP Colours of Ranggoli Night (UCRN) 2017 6,500.00
FestAfrica 2017 7,950.00
Bhangra Dance-Off 10,950.00



Event Name Amount Disbursed (RM)
UTP Tennis Open 2017 2,980.00
National Cyber Games 2017 10,000.00
UTP Super Rugby Carnival 2017 12,436.00
UTP Smash Badminton Challenge 2017 10,000.00
UTP Netball Open Tournament (NETTO) 2017 5,000.00
UTP Football Champions League (FCL) 2017 3,840.00
UTP 7's Rugby Championship 2017 5,050.00
Inaugural Triathlon 2017 6,500.00



UTP Technopreneurship Unit is established to inculcate and nurture innovative and technopreneurial skills among UTP students, leading towards the setting up of startups and any other related endeavors. In the new UTP S-curve in becoming internationally recognized as a partner of choice for industries and a respected member of scientific communities, it is anticipated to produce highest percentage of students involved in startups. 


List of Technopreneurship projects sponsored by Yayasan UTP: 


  • MicroBiz (RM 2,000 per project)
  • Firman Tech Support 
  • One Day One Job (Solvie) 
  • Vibestudio 
  • Kami Hantar Enterprise (KamiDelivery) 
  • Almari Baju Dot Com 
  • Ladies Scarves 
  • Forge Factory 
  • 121 Home Tutor 
  • Kami Hantar! 
  • E.Z Sublet 
  • Der Kaffee 
  • Baguli Enterprise  
  • LOL Tech 
  • T&T Budget Printing Solutions 
  • Kerabu Maggie Aufbau 
  • Kingsman Apparel
  • TechnoSeed (RM 3,000 per project) 
  • The Fixie Wash 
  • Zip-Zap 3S 
  • Fruitcheck Product Design & Housing Development 
  • FC Barcoding System  
  • Plastic Bottle Reverse Vending Machine 

Yayasan UTP contributed a total of financial support of RM 47,000 to 21 UTP Technopreneurship Projects.


Student Mobility Programme (SMP) 



YUTP has allocated its 2017 budget to support all UTP programs related to SMP as follows: 


  • Student Industrial Internship (Overseas) Programme (SIIP) is a recognised programme under Student Mobility Programme where students are sent abroad to undergo industrial internship for the duration of seven months. 


  • Student Exchange Programme (SEP) in cooperation with the GE-13 universities is an accredited and recognised programme to study abroad in a chosen host university for one semester with the same amount of tuition fees paid to UTP.  
  • Research Attachment (RA) is a programme where UTP students can complete the research component of their home university degree in other institutions.  
  • Summer Programme (SP) offers students an opportunity to undergo experiential learning programme for the duration of 10 to 14 days. Students will be exposed to what host university has to offer and the cultural heritage of the country. 


  • Under the QS Asian Ranking, SETARA and D’SETARA evaluation, UTP is assessed based on minimum 2.5% of current student population for inbound and outbound exchange in overseas where SIIP, SEP and RA programme at Institution of Higher Learning (IHL) are some of the initiatives to achieve the target.  


  • Yayasan UTP contributed a total of financial support of RM 1,619,457 to send 259 students abroad under Student Mobility Programme.




In enhancing the learning experience for its students, UTP provides an opportunity for the industry to establish and sponsor research projects in UTP as part of a long-term programme that involves collaborations between UTP and major oil and gas industry players, among others, to pave the way for enhanced relationships between the industry players and academia.  

All funds for this purpose are contributed by Petroleum Research Fund (“PRF”) for the approved research & development projects undertaken by UTP.  The research project must be related to Oil & Gas and impactful to the communities. YUTP has awarded RM12,000,000 worth of YUTP PRF Grant to UTP researchers in 2017. 



Sponsor School Kits Campaign 2017 

This initiative is a part of 17th UTP Convocation Event and 20th Anniversary Celebration whereby Yayasan UTP collaborated with UTP in giving school supplies to primary school students from low-income families in the vicinity of Tronoh. Yayasan UTP’s justifications in sponsoring the event are as follows: 

  • To instill caring and thoughtful character among UTP community towards the needs of other people. 
  • Promoting harmonious and unity amongst student and society 
  • To support community surrounding UTP via charity event 

The selected students received a total of 361 school kits worth of RM54,200 from Yayasan UTP.