150 participants from 35 Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) across Malaysia were present during Seminar Amil Institusi Pengajian Tinggi 2023 at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP).
The seminar had successfully been held bringing an opportunity to share and learn the best strategies of zakat management and operations mainly on collection campaigns and disbursement practices, and provided a platform for networking among the amils from various HEIs, Jawatankuasa Hal-Ehwal Islam (JAHEIS), and Majlis Agama Islam Perak (MAIPk).
On this note, TAZU would like to specially thank the remarkable speakers who shared valuable insights on zakat management together with zakat collections and disbursement according to their current practices. The speakers were:
- Tuan Shahrul Azam Shaari, Chief Executive Officer, MAIPk
- Ust Suhaimi Yusoff, General Manager for Marketing, MAIPk
- Ust Rohizan Omar, General Manager for Distribution, MAIPk
- Pn Nor Adela Dinyati, Director of YUTP & TAZU, UTP
- Prof Madya Dr A Aziz Mat Isa, Chair, JAHEIS IPT Malaysia
There was also a forum entitled " Cabaran Pengurusan Zakat IPT" (The Impediments in Zakat Management among HEIs). The panellists were Director of Islamic Centre from many HEIs, Dr Riswadi Azmi (Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, UMT), Dr Sarip Adul (Universiti Malaysia Sabah, UMS), Assoc Prof Dr Ahmad Che Yaacob (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM), moderated by Manager of UTP An- Nur Islamic Cenre, Ust Abd Ur-Rahman M Amin.
Moving forward, TAZU hopes to create many more meaningful coversations with other HEIs to strengthen the administration of Zakat.