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yutp.png ​TAZU helped me complete my studies at UTP​​​  

Muhammad Najmuddin was solely supported by his mother when he entered UTP. His mother had decided to work to support everyone in the family after years of being a housewife. With a salary of a tailor, his mother struggled to support all three children, including Najmuddin, and his brother who was already in third year at UTP. ​

It was impossible for his mother to support both children at UTP as his family was in dire financial straits. In order for Najmuddin to get the education that he deserves, his brother decided to quit his studies and help his mother to support the family.

“It was hard to see my mother struggling to pay my fees, let alone support the whole family. But with TAZU financial assistance, we were truly grateful as it helped me complete my degree and thankful to his brother who sacrificed his degree. ​

Despite having to work far away from home, Najmuddin is now happy that he can help his mum with his family’s expenses. He wishes to help other students who have similar family backgrounds as his, as he understands how hard the journey of furth​ering studies is when it comes to financial issue. Every support provided by TAZU means he could focus on his studies without worrying about how he was going to afford to continue being at UTP.

“I believe in investing in the next generation, which somehow investing in ourselves in the future, a movement that we definitely want to be a part of. So, it is important that we develop socially and personally, as well as support each other. This is what going together means, and this is how I feel success is attained,” said Najmuddin.


Muhamad Najmuddin Mohd Noor

- Electrical Engineering

- Graduated 2020
















