To examine Eco-Innovation Index for CO2 Emission Reduction in the Malaysian Energy Sector (2019 -2021)
Developing an Eco-Innovation Index for A Sustainable Future: A Study On Malaysian Oil and Gas Companies (2018- 2021)
Improving Teaching Learning Method of Entrepreneurship Through Active Learning
Sustainable Corporate Governance Index & Firm Performance: A Study on Public Listed Companies in Malaysia
Investigating Community Level Influences for Successful Entrepreneurial Process: Developing an Indigenous Entrepreneurial Education & Training Model for the Orang Asli Community
Exploring the use of data mining in designing a holistic multi domain scorecard towards creating higher governance practices in Malaysia
Towards a New Data Mining Theory in Measuring Corporate Governance Practices Holistically in Malaysia (2011/2014) (Principal Investigator)
Internal Audit Function, Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Malaysia (2011/2012) (Principal Investigator)
Investigating the Relationship between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Public Listed Companies in Malaysia