Fundamental study of Fischer-Tropsch reaction mechanism over a Cobalt-based catalyst
Reaction Mechanism of Dry (CO2) Reforming of Methane over Ceria-Magnesia Mixed Oxide Supported Nickel Catalysts for Syngas Production: Computational and Experimental Approaches
Understanding Reaction Mechanism for Hydrogen Production via Cracking of Hydrocarbons using the Density Functional Theory
Fundamental study on Recovery of Acetic Acid and Phenol form Malaysian Palm Bio-oil via stepwise liquid-liquid extraction.
Ethylene production from bioethanol dehydration over bimetallic alkaline earth oxide alumina catalysts.
Fundamental Study of Hydrodeoxygenation of Triglycerides to hydrocarbon using Ionic Liquid Ni-based Catalysts
Study of reaction kinetic and conversion degree of biomass to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural using task specific ioninc liquid
Fundamental Study of Hydrodeoxygenation of Triglycerides to hyrocarbon using ionic Liquid Ni-Baed Catalysts
A study on reaction mechanism of catalytic hydrogen production using density functional theory (DFT)
Biodiesel production in micro-tube reactor
Fundamental Modeling of an artificial neural network for simulating fluid flow and heat trabsfer in arbitrarily shaped domain and its application in predicting the arterial blood flow due to Aneurysm
Develop a new Enhanced Oil Recovery Method and Model for High Temperature Well Stimulation Using Acid Combinations
Production of syngas via glycerol bio-waste using limestone-based catalysts
Understanding Reaction Mechanism for Hydrogen Production via Cracking of Hydrocarbons using the Density Functional Theory
Reaction Mechanism of Dry (CO2) Reforming of Methane over Ceria-Magneisa Mixed Oxide Supported Nickel Catalyst for Syngas Production: Computational and Experimental Approcahes
A flipping calssroom technique in improving students' group discussion in Advanced Transport Processes
Combined Augmented Reality (AR) and flipped Learning Approcah in Transport Phenomena
Fundamental study on Recovery of Acetic Acid and Phenol form Malaysian Palm Bio-oil via stepwise liquid-liquid extraction
Ethylene production from bioethanol dehydration over bimetallic alkaline earth oxide alumina catalyst